101. Traitor

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I glanced at Bard as we both rode out across the bridge of Dale towards Erebor. A brown pony was handed to me while Bard rode on a white horse. This pony surprisingly is keeping up with Bard's fast trotting horse with ease. I looked behind us and grimaced at the sight of the army of elves lining every area of Dale visible from Erebor. I don't believe it was a smart decision on Thranduil's behalf but I did all I could to stop the Mirkwood king from doing more.

Yet, I was lost in thoughts of why such av necklace means so much to Thranduil. I could only think of one reason. I don't know what happened to Thranduil's wife, but I know she has been gone a long time and her faring or death is part of the reason Thranduil is so cold.

If that necklace was intended for his beloved... It would make since why he would go to war for it. I hated to admit it, I hated to see the irritating elf king's point of view but... If someone had my necklace? The only tie I have left to what and who I am? I would fight tooth and nail to get it back. I don't have high hopes for this negotiation to work, and I was afraid of Thorin's reaction, but I also had another plan in the making...

One that will hopefully prevent Thranduil from attacking the dwarves. I kept such plans to myself for the moment, hoping... hoping so much that Thorin will show the good person he is and return the people of Dale their gold and give the necklace Thranduil deserves to him. I know it may be a foolish hope, but I could only pray to the Valar Thorin is better.

I hid the Arkenstone under my bedroll, making sure several rocks were placed over it while everyone was distracted making food. I ate something quickly along the way before joining Bard as the pony and horse were brought to us. I can only hope the farther away I keep the Arkentstone from Thorin, the more likely he is to get better.

It is nothing more than hope though. I glanced up at the wall of broken stones and rocks as Bard and I trotted up to the entrance of Erebor. I met Thorin's eyes and hid my reaction well at the enraged and almost hateful look in his eyes.

Thorin is not better....

What will I do?

I looked back down in front of me as Bard and I pulled our horses to a stop just before the bridge. I remained silent, letting Bard do the negotiations.

"Hail Thorin, son of Thrain! We are glad to find you alive beyond hope." Bard said loud enough for Thorin to hear, appealing to Thorin to try to make this negotiation easier. I knew it wouldn't work as I simply watched. I felt Bard glance at me, but I had my eyes focused on Thorin. Only, he is not Thorin at all anymore. No, all I see is the Icy Dwarf King. It hurt, but I am truly beginning to think that Thorin is lost to me. Even with the Arkenstone far away, he is still heavily under the curse of the gold.

I didn't miss the mixed looks from the dwarves beside Thorin on the walkway above. Some looked relieved to see me alive, like Bofur, Bifur, Bombur, Ori, and Balin. Yet, the others however... Dwalin is glaring at me hatefully, making my spirits drop even more. Gloin, Oin, Dori, Nori seemed undecided on how to act to my presence and Fili and Kili were glancing worriedly between Thorin and I. I did not see Fairfin or Bilbo, but I could feel the raven's emotions so I know he is alright, doing as I asked and keeping an eye on Thorin.

I kept my expression cool and blank as Thorin spoke in an enraged tone.

"Why do come to the gates of the king under the mountain armed for war?" Thorin growled, calling down to Bard before glaring hatefully at me. I did not react, did not even meet Thorin's eyes, doing my best to keep up my expression of calm, while inside I am not calm, I am in pain. I hate that Thorin is seeing me as the enemy, but he's not Thorin. I fought to keep the image of the Icy Dwarf King before my eyes and not think of the Thorin who let his guard down before me and admitted his fears.

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