87. Facing The Hard Truth

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Finally though, I reached the base of the steps, looking up at the entryway into Erebor. In my opinion, without fires and people, this place looks cold and empty. I am more of a fan of open plains, grassy hills and trees as well as the flowers of spring. Inside here, however, it appears that nothing grows. It made me uncomfortable to be honest, I never considered it before on our mission but... It is nothing but rock inside this mountain, no plants, no life, no nothing.

I glanced up at the remaining statue inside the entrance of a dwarf lord in armor, axe held like a sword as he stood, welcoming all into Erebor. His face didn't look happy to welcome people into Erebor, it looked stern and cold. I was unsure of this place now. Thorin spoke of Erebor like it was a beautiful jewel of a place to live but I am only seeing a grim place to be here. I sighed as I continued down more steps. It became darker and darker the further I went into the mountain. I could feel the presence of Fili and Kili behind me as I glanced around these massive, empty halls of green grey stone. Gold ran through the cracks of the walls, railings were made of gold...

Then, suddenly, the hall was no longer a hall. I froze, leaning against the gold railing, hearing Fili and Kili's gasps of awe behind me as I stared in wide eyed awe at the massive empty space that was somehow lit with no torches. I looked up and stared as I noticed just how massive this place is. Twice the size of any city I have ever been to, three times as large as just about anything I have ever seen. I squinted at the ceiling above, suddenly realizing that, the reason we could see, is because the dwarves were ingenious as the sharply angled ceiling above was lined with white crystals that must poke out the top of the mountain, the crystals picking up the light of day and radiating it down into the gigantic cavern.

I looked around as I leaned on the railing, staring out over the massive cavern. Pillars were not just pillars to support the mountain, no, they were connected to pathways, houses, buildings of all types. Walkways stretched out over the wide expanse of the cavern, everything made from the green stone of the mountain and gold. Everything had the dwarves architecture written into it's stones. Sharp angles and lines, not a single curved edge, yet the beauty of this...

I leaned over the railing, my breath leaving me as I stared down with wide eyes. The cavern continued down and down and down... The bottom far and distant. I could not see the bottom of this cavern. I guess rumors are true, dwarves keep on mining and mining into the earth until they dig into something they shouldn't. I never believed it before, but staring upon this now...

I was awed by this giant city, yet it still unnerved me. The air was stale and dusty from a hundred years of no people within it's walls. The silence was eerie, the slightest sound echoed out for miles and miles until the cavern of Erebor. I leaned away from the edge of the railing, gripping on tighter to my walking stick as I glanced at Fili and Kili who were leaning over the railings pretty far as they stared down into the cavern.

"Come on, let's find Thorin." I said quietly, this cavern too eerily quiet for be to speak any louder as Fili and Kili glanced at me before nodding. I continued on down the path, staring around as the path we are on lead out over the giant cavern with no visible end. I was a bit unnerved by all the gold in this place, everything not made of the green stone of Erebor was made of some form of gold. My uneven steps, no matter how light they were, echoed with each step I took. Soon we were heading down a ton of steps, I imagine there are millions of steps in this massive cavern and the idea of having to walk down and down to some treasure room without knowing where it is made my head hurt.

I ishged, glancing around, "A person can get easily lost in this place, probably all of the dwarves in the world could stand together withing these halls and have elbow room." I said, glancing around, several paths breaking off the one we are on. I glance back at Fili and Kili, "Thorin ever tell you which way to the treasure room? I get the feeling he is in there." I said.

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