139. It Will All Be Okay

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I glanced down at Philomena as the Company dispersed to their new duties. I intend to make every single one of them lords, and I intend to make Philomena a true Lady in the eyes of the dwarves, but not in dwarf traditional ways. No, I will make Philomena a Lady of Erebor right alongside the dwarves of the company in the same way I will make them all Lords of Erebor. Then, I intend to officially announce Philomena as my One and the Lady in which I am courting.

But that can all wait for now, in the silence of the empty entry hall, the doors now closed and not a dwarf in sight, I turned to face my love, bowing my head down to touch my forehead to hers as I closed my eyes, wrapping my arms around her and pulling her under my cloak as I created a nearly private little bubble for us, reveling in the electrifying, lightning bolt like zaps travelling from her nose touching mine, her forehead against my own, her hands on either side of my neck, my arms around her.

I never thought I would ever meet my One, for so long I told myself I didn't need a female at my side, that it didn't matter, and that I was perfectly fine being on my own.

Now, knowing the power and love of having your One in you arms, trusting you to keep them safe in their darkest days? It filled my entire body with the warmth of my love for My Ruby as I sighed in relief at us finally having gotten here, opening my eyes to meet her grey blue eyes, finally, for the first time in days, just beginning to see the gravitating affect her eyes often had on me, though it is frail and weak, her eyes fierceness still drew me to her.

She spoke first, her voice a hoarse whisper, nearly making me wince with the pain it must cause to speak, but of course Philomena wouldn't show any of her pain, though I knew for a fact from Tauriel that she is still heavily bruised from being beaten up by orcs, and that several of the deeper cuts she sustained in battle were festering with minor infections Tauriel is still attending to. Tauriel also spoke to me of the subtle limp in Philomena's footsteps and, after giving her a sleeping draught, examined the same ankle in which Philomena had previously injured in the past, before telling me that Philomena may have to consider a brace to help the strained muscles heal properly.

Convincing Ruby of that will be a hassle, but one I will deal with later.

"Do you think we will see Bilbo again one day?" Philomena whispered, her eyes glancing in the direction of the now closed doors as I smiled, knowing the answer to this immediately.

"I have no doubt we will see Master Baggins again one day, maybe sooner than you think." I replied, Philomena frowning me confusion as I chuckled, pulling her in closer and tilting my head down to place my lips upon hers, nearly sighing with relief, I have feared kissing her since the battle because of how... absent she was of the Philomena I knew. I knew she still has a long road, but to have her respond like this...

My thoughts scattered as one of her hands snaked up the back of my neck to tangle in my hair, gripping a bit too tightly but she did this before and I really wasn't bothered in the slightest. I hunched over more, detecting the silent demand she was making that I lean down more so she doesn't have to stand up on the tips of her feet. I more than happily gave into her silent demand as she tilted her neck back even more, her soft lips moving over my own making it hard for me to think at all, zapping me with a million lightning bolts and frying my brain.

I was lost, having forgotten where we were.

Until I heard footsteps, pulling a bit of reason back to my mind as I sighed and pulled myself away from the warmth of her lips on my own, fighting down the want to ignore those approaching footsteps and just keep kissing her.

Philomena's eyes fluttered open to stare at me, slightly dazed and full of love, only making it that much harder to prevent kissing her senseless.

"Cousin, how about ye and yer lovely warrior lady move out of ta entry hall when yer kissin' each other like that, instead of doin' it in public?" I heard Dain say as I growled in annoyance, irritated at my cousin and his antics as I leaned away from Philomena to look over my shoulder and glare at Dain, who was smirking a mile wide.

I shook my head, not saying a word as I pulled Philomena along with me to an empty hall, Dain's booming laughter echoing behind us as I glared over my shoulder at him. I closed the door, glaring at it as I heard a very unladylike snort from Philomena, turning to see her eyes wide as she held a hand over her mouth, shaking with silent laughter as her eyes lightly challenged me to even speak about her unladylike snort, making me grin as I pulled her into my arms once more, hugging her to me as I allowed the relief that she is alive, and on the mend, to overwhelm me.

"How are you, truly, Philomena? No evading the truth, and no lies, please." I whispered, still so worried for her mental health as she pulled back to smile at me, a mixture of sadness and happiness, assuring me she will be just fine.

"I will be fine, Thorin, with time. And with you, and The Company at my side? I am not alone, not anymore. Life goes on... and, I know, that one day this pain will be but a fading part of my past." She whispered as I sighed in pure relief, pulling her into my arms once more.

Yes, everything will be okay.

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