73. The Master of Laketown

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 sat there, breathing heavy as my head pounded a mile a minute, yet a plan began to form in my mind. I handle situations best my planning, by not letting emotions get the better of me. I won't I am stronger than that, my emotions will not hinder my plans. I pushed everything away and focused on my options.

I knew I would never back out of my word to the dwarves of the company, to Thorin, that I would help help reclaim the mountain. Yet, if the dragon truly does live, than I would do doubt be more of a hindrance upon them secretly entering the mountain. If I can sense that intelligent and powerful of a creature, a creature of magic and might, then Smaug will no doubt sense me. I have no idea how in the world I can sense Smaug in such a way, but the ease with which I read his dark emotions... honestly kind of freaky. My ability should not be able to sense Smaug at all, yet I can.

What is causing my power to grow? How is it I can sense the emotions of animals with more ease than I ever remember? How in Middle Earth is my ability allowing me to more easily influence them? What is causing this change in an ability of mine that has been the same for as long as I have known?

All questions with no answers.

I shook my head, focusing on the problem at hand. Smaug will be able to sense me, there is no doubt of that in my mind. He may even sense me enough that it will wake him from his 90 year slumber. So I cannot join the dwarves in this last leg of the journey. My heart hurt at the idea, of leaving them to continue the rest of this quest, but my upbringing and sheer determination to do what is right won.

I would stay here, in Laketown. If it is true, if Smaug will come to Laketown, then I must help these people, or else they will die. A prophecy cannot be rewritten, so Smaug will come to Laketown and burn it no matter what I do.

Yet, there won't be much for him to burn if the people and the animals are not in the wooden town. Already plans formed in my mind as I gritted my teeth in determination, glancing around the town from my viewpoint, knowing I would need to iron out the smaller details of my forming plan, but for now it is pretty sound and I have time to plan out every point of it before Durin's Day falls.

I pushed myslef to my feet, glancing behind me at the last sliver of the sun, my eyes hardened in determination as I followed the sound of bells through the town, seeing the streets empty of people, only the lamps and burning torches lighting my way as I followed the bells across bridges and pathways to the heart of Laketown, seeing the large wood pillar's of a large overly large house. The Master's House, I frowned, wondering if I should return to Bard's house to find the dwarves or approach to see what's happening.

I blinked as I planned to return to Bard's when I felt... Fairfin? I sent out my confusion and Fairfin responded with urgency from the direction of the Master's house, so I ran in that direction, not caring who saw. My bird is in danger! I finally reached an area lit well by torches, humans muttering around me as I pushed and shoved through the crowd, many cursing at me but I was determined. I came to a stop though when I noticed what lay before me.

I looked around from behind two women who were mumbling and cursing children, probably thinking I was one. I was sorely tempted to sock them in the knees to display just how little of a child I truly am, but fought off the want to watch the action before me. Several guard of Laketown stood about around the dwarves, making me frown even more in anger and rage.

I had hope that Thorin might decide otherwise, seeing my dislike of his choice by leaving the room, yet clearly he either did not notice or did not care. I frowned even more, my heart sinking. I thought that maybe Thorin's loved me nearly as much as I do him, but once more I wondered if it was more one sided than I believed. Oh, I know he cares, yet to not question my absence, to not go looking for me or wonder why I left... I am beginning to think once more that, while I love him, Thorin only likes me.

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