103. Unknown Part of The Puzzle

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I wiped away a few more tears at how kind Bombur was to me as I took several deep breaths, yet...

My mind was locked on Bombur's words. 'Trust me when I say he could never hurt you without hurting himself even more.' I don't... I don't understand it. It seems like Thorin no longer loves or cares for me, but if Bombur was saying that... my mind flew back to Balin's words 'You have no need to fear rejection.'

Could... could dwarves be.. be like elves? Only ever able to fall in love once? That doesn't seem quite right, elves are an immortal race so it is fitting they love only love, but dwarves? Sure, they have a longer lifespan than humans but... it just doesn't seem to fit. There is just too many pieces I don't hold on what exactly dwarf culture is like in this area. I shook my head away from these thoughts as I reached the door and opened it carefully, putting the stick back in place before making my way down the staircase, squinting at the horizon worriedly as I realized the sun would soon rise. Fairfin croaked on my shoulder as the pony looked up from a patch of grass, a lucky find, to stare at me as it chewed.

I quickly mounted up on the pony and tapped it's side, telling it emotionally wise I need the pony to be fast. Soon we were racing on down the cliffs as I glanced worriedly up at the horizon and then behind me, leaning over the pony's back for more speed. The pony sped over the landscape, hooves pounding against the earth as we raced around the edge of Ravenhill and on to the west gate of Dale.

"Tell King Thranduil and Lord Bard! Philomena has returned!" I heard an elf guard call as I raced into the city, the pony slowly to a trot inside the courtyard before stopping, panting heavily. I patted the pony's side as a thank you before handing the reins to a nearby elf who smiled before taking the pony away from food and drink. I walked on through the courtyard, it being only early morning there is few out and about but, as I approached Thranduil's tent, I notice the lanterns inside are still lit and could hear Bard and Thranduil talking.

The elf guard out front held up and hand before peaking in the tent as I waited.

"My King? Philomena has returned." The guard said as I heard the conversation inside the tent stop.

"Let her in." Thranduil spoke as the guard nodded to me, parting the drawn curtains over the entrance. I stepped in to see that Bard and Thranduil were discussing what would be needed to get his people through winter as Bard studied me. I glanced between Bard and Thranduil before looking at Bard once more.

"Pardon me, Lord Thranduil and Lord Bard, but may I speak to Lord Thranduil in private real quick, Bard?" I asked, Thranduil studying me curiously as he gestured for Bard to leave. Bard nodded, glancing at me as he walked on out of the tent. Thranduil studied me with narrowed eyes as I approached and carefully removed the necklace from my pocket, gently laying it upon the table in front of Thranduil.

I stepped back as Thranduil quickly stood, gently, almost reverently picking up the necklace and staring at it with saddened eyes.

I spoke quietly, "It was meant for your wife, wasn't it?" I asked carefully, drawing Thranduil's attention.

"Indeed it was, I never have the chance to give it to her, but how did you know why it was so important to me?" Thranduil asked. I glanced at the tent entrance before reaching up and pulling my necklace free, Thranduil studying it curiously, no doubt seeing the rust and wear on it.

"This was my mother's. It is all I have of my family and I would fight a thousand armies to make sure I never loose it. Most would say it is just an object, memory matters more, but I hardly remember my parents, just small flashes. I don't even remember my mother's face... This makes me feel like I am close to her, though I have little memory of her." I whispered.

Thranduil studied me curiously, "You continue to surprise me, Lady Philomena." Thranduil said, making my eyes widen. He just called me Lady Philomena, why?

"My Lord Thranduil, I am not a Lady, as you well know from me trodding mud into your robes." I said, confused. Thranduil turned his attention to the necklace in his hands, reverently touching it as he spoke.

"Indeed. That young miscreant was no Lady. But the person she grew up to be is deserving of the title. You have given up much to prevent war, and I will honor my promise and help the people of Dale through winter. Though I do wish to know how you plan to get them their gold from the mountain, I doubt the dwarf will be very accepting of you now." Thranduil said as he gently placed the necklace on his desk, studying me.

"I..." I began and sighed, rubbing my temples, "I do not know, Lord Thranduil, I had a plan in mind but... recent events are making me rethink my plan. I need time to think up of a new one." I said quietly.

"Well, you have time now that a battle is not to be had. My army and I will remain within the walls of Dale for another moon cycle, due to approaching snow clouds from the west that may bring snow down upon us. The people of Dale will remain fed well all winter and a healer will remain behind with a few others to tend to the people of Dale till spring arrives. Yet, I can tell this was no easy task for you, and you asked for merely the people of Dale in this deal, so I intend to offer you your sword and knives from my dungeons. Ask one of my soldiers outside and they will direct you to the wagon holding all the weapons taken from your Company." Thranduil said, shocking me by bowing his head a small touch in respect.

I bowed my head a touch as well before turning and exiting the tent, relief hitting me that two of my most worrying problems were fixed in one simple move. I glanced at the soldiers outside.

"Lord Thranduil said I could retrieve my weapons?" I asked, the guards exchanging looks before peeking into the tent to make sure that is what Thranduil wished before one stepped away, grinning happily for his king.

"Please, Lady Philomena, this way." He said, gesturing for me to follow him. I smiled, actually feeling like I could smile with the weights lifted off of my shoulders. Except for two. How will I convince Thorin to give the people of Dale the gold they deserve...

And how will I free Thorin from the Gold Sickness?

Yet, even as I felt relief, something was eerily off. I frowned stopping half way through the courtyard, the guard stopping with me as I tilted my head in confusion, listening. Rumble... Rumble... Rumble...

"Lady Philomena? Are you alright?" The elf guard asked as I glanced up at him in confusion.

"Can you hear that rumbling?" I asked, the elf tilting his head in worry and confusion as he listened before glancing at me.

"I am sorry, Lady Philomena, but I do not hear any rumbling, is everything alright?" He asked.

I glanced to the East, frowning as I tried to figure out what was causing that noise before shaking my head. Must be something random.

"Its... nothing, I guess?" I said in confusion, following the elf towards the wagons.

Yet the rumbling sound continued in the background.

EDIT: Okay, there was no end part here so I am adding one since I have changed this chapter. I like it better than the original, while still not my favorite of the story it is definitely better. Yet, I changed Bofur to Bombur but, come on, Bombur is so sweet. I thought a little emotional scene between Bombur, who has accept Philomena in like an adopted sister, and Philomena who trusts the Firebeard brothers would be cute. Okay, I am exhausted, I have been writing this chapter all day, so I'm called it a night here.

But hey, how do you like my hints to Philomena figuring out exactly what she means to Thorin?


Original Word Count: 2,429 New Word Count: 10,277

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