106. The Hardest Choice

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I stomped towards Thranduil's tent, face set hard in determination. I had been thinking and planning for so long night had fallen, probably been pacing in that damn tent for hours more like. Many passing by looked at me with wide eyes, but I was focused on my goal and I would not be swayed from it. I walked up to the tent and the guards stared at me in shock as they opened the tent.

I froze, surprised. Bilbo, Gandalf, Thranduil, and Bard stared back at me as I blinked in shock.

"Bilbo?!" I said shock, surprised to see the hobbit outside the mountain. I thought he was determined to keep his eyes on Thorin. Bilbo grimaced at me as I stared in shock at the hobbit before shaking my head.

"Bilbo, what are you doing here? I thought you were determined to stay in the mountain!" I said in surprise. Gandalf coughed, making me look at him and then at Bard and Thranduil. Oh, right, Thranduil and Bard probably want to hear this first. You know, I can't change my actions of who I am overnight, I am still going to be quite uncouth at points. Give me a break, I lived off the wilds and pubs for a century.

"Lord Thranduil, this is Bilbo Baggins of The Shire." Gandalf said politely to the Elf King.

Thranduil glanced at Bilbo before walking towards his seat as he spoke, Bard sitting off to the side and watching what is happening here, "If I'm not mistaken, this is the halfling who stole the keys to my dungeons from under the nose of my guards." Thranduil said with intent, glancing at the hobbit who stepped from foot to foot awkwardly before speaking in a quiet, awkward voice.

"Yes... Sorry about that." Bilbo said, so typically Bilbo like that I grinned happily. Our hobbit friend is just what I needed to break the seriousness of what I have planned. My smile fell at the thought of my plans.

"I came... to tell you Thorin is far beyond reason now, but I know of something that will make him see reason that is in Philomena's possession." Bildo said, turning to me. My eyes widened as instantly I had the attention of Bard, Thranduil, and Gandalf. I looked around at them all before glaring at the hobbit.

"I thought we agreed, Bilbo Baggins, that no one would know of what is in my possession, or that I ever give it to Thorin because there is good reasons it should not be in his possession." I hissed angrily, this puts a thorn in my plans, now I can't just go to the mountain alone, they are going to want to know my plan and they will probably think Bilbo's is better, in which I will have to admit that Thorin is courting me and... it will be a mess, but no turning back now.

Bilbo sighed, his shoulder slumping, "What choice do we have, Philomena? Thorin is far, far beyond reason now, he more often mumbles to himself, growling angrily at a voice that does not exist. Please, Philomena, show them." Bilbo pleaded, making me sigh as I closed my eyes before reaching into my pocket and pulling free the stone, wrapped tightly in cloth as I approached Thranduil's desk, unwrapping it while Gandalf and Bard approached as well. I carefully set the wrapped cloth thing upon Thranduil's desk and pulled the knot undone, exposing the Arkenstone.

"The heart of the mountain! The King's Jewel." Thranduil said in shock as he stood, looking between Bilbo and I as I backed away, crossing my arms and gritting my teeth, aware that I will have to tell them my plan.

"And worth a king's ransom. How did it go from your possession to Philomena's? How is this yours to give?" Bard question as he stepped up next to the desk, studying the stone reverently. I watched them all closely, aware that this stone is pure magic in it's raw form. I don't know what magic or why, don't even know how the Arkenstone got inside Erebor, but it is magical.

"I took it as my fourteenth share of the treasure. Philomena took it to get it away from Thorin when she left the mountain, and because she feared if Thorin found it in my possession that he would kill me." Bilbo continued, Gandalf looking at me with shocked eyes, but I stayed back, scowling, arms cross, thinking of my next actions that tugged heavily on my heart but I was determined not to let them show. It will hurt me a great deal, but it is something I must do.

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