49. Change

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The next few days were interesting, that's for sure.

Being courted my Thorin seemed to change everything in how the company treats me, that honestly freaked me out a bit. I am a commoner, I am used to being called names and not often nice ones, or being looked down on for my choice of life.

Definitely not used to this.

When Thorin and I returned to the house, all of the dwarves stopped in making food or talking or moving, frozen in their actions as their eyes moved from Thorin's hand holding my own to the braid in my hair. Except for Balin, the sly dwarf.

Cheering broke out of the dwarves, congratulating Thorin with thumps on the back and patting me on the shoulder. I controlled my emotions, merely smirking. Inside though? I was embarrassed and uncomfortable with how the dwarves treated me, Bilbo sitting dumbstruck in his chair at the table, looking at Thorin and I with wide eyes.

After that, I grew even more uncomfortable. The company had taken to being very respectful to me, like I was royalty or something, which made me want to squirm just from how uncomfortable that change is. Smiling and nodding their head to me when I passed through the house, and taking to calling me 'My Lady' or 'Lady Philomena'. I am no lady and I was very tempted to tell those dwarves, who took to calling me such, to stick it where the sun don't shine.

I controlled the impulse though when Thorin told me they were just overly relieved their king finally found someone. I frowned at that one, as Thorin did not go into detail about why that would be overly relieving to the dwarves.

I decided to drop that.

Only a few people did not treat me differently.

Balin being the main one, beyond looking at the courting braid in my hair with near tears in his eyes from happiness. I felt pain just seeing that look on Balin's face, like a parent who was so relieved. I didn't know what to make of it.

Bifur, Bofur, and Bombur didn't treat me any differently either, except for smiling and congratulating me on finally getting out of my 'Raging Temper'. I laughed at that one, because it's pretty accurate. I laughed even more when portly little Bombur stomped up to Thorin, looked up at him, and said that he better treat me right. Thorin's raised hands and shocked look had me laughing so hard I doubled over.

Bilbo was stunned silly for two days before asking me a question that had me nearly falling over with laughter. "Do you guys consider private interaction to being glaring at each other in silence?" Bilbo asked in a innocent, serious voice.

I didn't answer Bilbo's question, snorting and laughing my whole way up to the house. Rather undignified of me, but since when did I care for appearances? Thorin courting me is not going to change that. My laughter probably sounded like a dying animal for all I knew.

Interaction between Thorin and I was very different, but not so much as I expected. Thorin and I talked a lot more, now with the brick wall out of the way. Because neither of us were particularly ready to expose the more painful points of our pasts, we spoke of simple things. Thorin told me of his sister Dis and how she had an even stronger stubborn streak than him. How she single handedly raised Fili and Kili after her husband died in the battle of Moria.

I now understood why Fili and Kili were so close to Thorin. Without a father figure in their lives and his sister in need of help raising them, Thorin did the best he could.

Speaking of those two...

Fili and Kili were the worst of the group on treating me differently. They have taken to hanging around me more often, sometimes throwing an arm over my shoulders like we are best of buds.

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