74. Honesty

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I sat down in one of the chairs of the dining table in the house they gave us for our stay. Thorin wasn't too pleased that The Master of Laketown wanted to host them until the day of Durin's Day, but it wasn't like there was much choice in the matter, the Master is the one giving us boats and supplies to get there. Dining with the Master of Laketown was an awkward affair, especially when they tried many times to question my presence, but the dwarves, as protective as they are, diverted the conversation every time.

I normally would be annoyed at them defending me, but I am coming to accept it as just how the dwarves are. We each were given our own room in this two story house just across the bridge from the Master's House. Originally it housed the guards of Laketown but with their fewer numbers it had been left unused for some time. Fairfin was currently up in my room, roosting in the rafters as he sleeps.

Only reason I was down here, awake, is because sleep would not come to me. I leaned my elbows on the table, staring out the one window and into the dark night, the lights of torches the only thing lighting up the area. They were still gathering clothes for us so I am still in the yellow dress Sigrid and her sister gave me. My hair is still an absolute mess, I heard a few humans commenting on the fact that it looks like a giant red ball of hair is sitting on my head, annoying me.

Only thing I was real happy about was finding this house had at some point been stocked with ale, most likely for the guards off duty, but I was very happy. A large mug of said ale sat in front of me and I would be lying if I said I wasn't a little tipsy. It was a nice feeling though, makes me think less and calms my nerves. I could hear the dwarves snoring all throughout the house as I stared out the window, taking another tip of the ale.

While it is nothing like the ale of the west, it is still a nice ale. I pulled out one of my obsidian knives, flipping and turning it, watching the black as night blade flicker and catch in the light. I still wasn't too pleased with Thorin or the rest of the dwarves and I guess it showed in how I haven't spoken to a single one of them since the Master accepted us in his town. A few, like Bifur, Bofur, and Bombur looked a little guilty, even Ori, Fili, and Kili did. Yet, the rest? Not a single one of them regretted stealing.

Maybe it is harsh of me, but I have been raised all my life to do things the right way. The elves are people of honesty and kindness, people who believe it doing the right and never the wrong. Raised among them, I learned as much as well. I felt like, for the first time since the other side of the mountains, there was a distance between me and the dwarves and I know I put it there.

It just harder for me to accept this side of the dwarves I have not seen this whole journey.

I spoke to Bilbo some, the poor hobbit looked worse for wear as I went through the stocked items remaining in the house and was pleased to find tea leaves. I think I shocked the poor hobbit when I mixed them with a few things on hand to make a tea that helps stuffiness from a cold. I am not completely unaffected either, my nose felt disgustingly clogged and exhaustion pulled at me.

Yet, I could not sleep.

Now that I am alone to my thoughts, my mind was running over and over the memories returned to me.

And the unknown language.

I wish I knew how I read that language, I wish I understood why at times I can speak something I never fully remember. I have not done that for about 50 years. I was also astonished. I found another tiny piece to connect to my past and it was, weirdly, on the back of a mural dedicated to dwarves. The fact that the words were written under the prophecy, like an addition, still confused me. Are my people on this side of the mountains? With my small amount of magic, it isn't hard to believe my kind may have had prophetic abilities. All with magic can, to a point. I never have but apparently you can.

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