84. The Aftermath of Smaug

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Thorin's POV

I stood with the others on the destroyed tower at Ravenhill, staring, blankly, at the town on fire in the distance. The ringing of the town bell could be heard, echoing across the lake to us. I stared at the town on fire and felt nothing, my heart felt cold and empty. I left her there, I left my nephew's there. I cannot ever look my sister Dis in the eye again, knowing such a truth of her two sons dying to the dragon would break her as much as that truth is breaking me.

My family, both now and in the possibility of the future, gone in an instant. Taken, by a fire breathing dragon.

"Pour souls." I heard Balin say from beside me. Fairfin croaked sadly upon my shoulder, his wings drooping, head low as his saddened blue eyes stared upon the burning Laketown in the distance. Yet, he still remained at my side, obeying Philomena's wishes with her dead. I watched Laketown be set ablaze in dragonfire, Smaug's roars echoing across the lake. Suddenly, though, the bells stopped and Smaug landed.

There was nothing but silence across the lake.

"Did he kill them all?" Bilbo whispered in horror to Balin, who stared worriedly across the lake.

"If he had done that, lad, I imagine he would have flown back here to the mountain to gloat." Balin said sadly as he watched the town burn. I felt Balin look to me, but I did not remove my eyes from the town in the distance. I felt like I was no longer connected to my body, separate and far away.

I grieved for the woman who may have one day been my wife. I could imagine her as quite the spitfire of a queen, yet caring and kind it the ways the dwarves need. Yet, now, I must face the truth.

My Ruby is dead.

Balin approached me, speaking quietly so the others could not hear, "Thorin, do not beat yourself up over this." Balin whispered.

I did not look away from the distant town as I spoke in a low, monotone voice, "How can I forgive myself for this, Balin? I let all three of them stay inside of Laketown, I left them there, thinking they would be safe." I said. Balin frowned deeply at my monotone voice as I stared at Laketown, the silence deafening from across the lake.

"Thorin, you had no way of knowing that the dragon was still alive or that Smaug would attack Laketown. There is nothing you could have done." Balin said.

"There is plenty I could have-" I began, a growl rising in my voice.

"Look!" Bilbo shouted suddenly, pointing out over the lake. We all looked in that direction, watching as Smaug rose into the air awkwardly, his wings flapping in an odd way, fire escaping his maw before it stopped, the fire in his chest going out. We all watched as the dragon went limp and fell towards the burning town.

"It's dead." Bilbo whispered in awe, "Smaug is dead." Bilbo continued.

I stared at the lake for a long moment.

Arrkkennstonneeee.... Arkkennstoneeee.... I looked away from the lake and towards Erebor as the dwarves of thee Company gathered upon the ledge.

"I do think the laddie is right! The dragon is dead!" Gloin called excitedly as I walked away, down the stairs, my eyes focused upon the mountain.

"The dragon is dead!!!" The Company cried out as I ran down the steps, my eyes focused only on the mountain. The Arkenstone, it must be found, nothing else matters anymore but the Arkenstone. Fairfin croaked quietly on my shoulder, a question at my current actions. I did not respond to the raven, hardly caring if he stayed or if he went.



I gasped of air, my face coming above my water as I coughed and coughed at the water in my lungs. Air! I need air! Help me!

A Ruby's Shine (Thorin Oakenshield X OC)Where stories live. Discover now