128. Empty

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I opened my eyes, staring blankly down at the orc and his evil grin, no emotions showing in my eyes as I quickly severed his head from his shoulders and stood jerkily, my expression blank, my mind blank. I looked around the battlefield as my mind remained a blank void, only a torn up and in pain soul hidden in the far corner of my mind as my instincts took complete control of me.

My territory... claim it back... my clan... keep them safe...

I looked blankly at Novu as she approached warily, head lowered and looking at me with worry as I stared blankly at the cougar.

Need your help... take out killer... take out pale killer... you help?

Novu growled angrily as she lowered a shoulder as I walked over and pulled myself up on her back, looking around at the animals no longer needed to fight, wandering aimlessly as the orcs were pushed back more and more...

Territory safe... others reclaim... need help... vengeance... take out invader of territory... this be ours... join me...

I watched emotionlessly as several wandering animals looked up at my call. A moose, several elk, two brown bears, a pack of wolves, and several smaller and air born creatures. I met the eyes of a few on them before looking down at Novu, who had one eyes rolled back to look up at me with pure worry. In that one look, in her emotions, they spoke to me like true words. Or are they words? If this is words, then they are not of any language that can be spoken aloud, yet I know them.

'Me worried. You are not okay. Please be safe. I make promise. I promise to keep safe. You mean much to me. You be family. I no loose family.' Novu said in her emotions, her look, her breaths, and her low growls, hums, and hisses.

'Lost them. Lost all them. Make him pay. I will make him pay.' I directed at Novu through my emotions as she whined lowly but bunched her leg muscles as she ran forward towards Ravenhill, the large pillar of steep rock ahead, but I knew that, as a mountain lion, she could find her way up.

'No loose self. Have life. Life matter. Think of Warmth. He matter. Matter much to you. No loose that. Think of friend made. Think of place. You find home here. No loose that. You fight for it. I fight for you. I no loose you. You care about them. I care about them.' Novu said in this unique language I seem to have uncovered. Yet, I didn't feel elation at unlocking such a problem I have always tried to figure out with my gift. I didn't feel confusion at suddenly understanding Novu. I didn't feel anything as I merely held on to Novu's back, somehow instinctively knowing where to grip on her fur ion her neck and how to hold on with my thighs.

'Make Pale One pay. I no care. He pay. All else wait. I take out Pale One. He be reason I am broken. He be reason I am lonely. He be reason I no belong.' I replied as Novu took a leap up onto a steep rock, beginning to make her way up the cliff, several mountain goats, birds, and a few other rock climbing creatures followed, the rest running along north to a better path up to Ravenhill, at least several hundreds of creatures following my instructions.

'You do belong. You find place. Place be here. Among new pack. You find new pack. New family. They matter much. You keep that close. No loose that. They care. They protect. They watch. Even when you ignore. They help. No forget Warmth either. He show you more care. You built home here. You build pack. No loose that. We save pack now. But no loose self. I care. They care.' Novu said as she stretched her body upwards and put her front paws up on top of another rock, finding a good grip in her large paws before digging her back claws into the rock below and pushing herself up onto the more gentle slope as she bounded forward, the mountain goats and other creatures behind us following with ease.

A Ruby's Shine (Thorin Oakenshield X OC)Where stories live. Discover now