102. A Proposition

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We trotted to a halt in front of Thranduil on the bridge, waiting for us on his horse. He looked between us both and seemed unfazed at the results of our try at a truce. I looked up at the army of elves on Dale and hardened my heart and my walls once more.

"He will give us-" Bard began, but I had my plan in place.

"Thorin may not give us what both parties want, but I have a proposition for you, Lord Thranduil." I said in a calm, cool tone. Thranduil looked at me with interest.

"What could you offer me that would prevent this battle ahead, Philomena?" Thranduil said, surprising me that he called me by name. I glanced at Bard, who looked worried at my plan before meeting Thranduil's eye with determination.

"I will enter the mountain alone and retrieve the necklace in which you desire, Lord Thranduil, if you but only promise to help the people of Dale survive the winter." I said calmly, Bard looking at me in shock as Thranduil narrowed his eyes.

"The dwarves will be guarding the entrance well, Philomena, are you sure of this course of action?" Thranduil questioned me, once again shocking me with the use of my name and the kindness in his voice, like he actually cared if I accidentally died in retrieving the necklace.

"I know how to enter the mountain, but for the safety of the company I was once a part of and their home, I will not admit to how I can enter the mountain, Lord Thranduil, it is not my secret to tell. All I ask for is a black cloak, and I promise on my life to return with the necklace you desire. If not, you are free to throw me in your dungeons once more." I said, Bard's eyes widening even more as he looked at me, yet I did not look away from Lord Thranduil.

Thranduil stared at me and nodded before turning his elk back inside the city, Bard and I following him. I could still feel Bard's eyes on me in shock, but I continued to look forward and not respond.

I was sure of my actions.


I stepped inside the tent, looking around, my lended pony tied outside and drinking water as a guard entered with a black cloak sheared off at the bottom to fit my height, which I accepted, nodding my thanks to him as I looked at Thranduil, who sat at a set up desk and chair inside this gold tent. I glanced at the symbols of Mirkwood hanging about the tent and Lord Thranduil's armor upon a stand before looking once more and the Elf King as he studied me.

"You release what you are putting at stake for these simple people, Philomena? If you fail me, I will throw you in my dungeons for the rest of your days." Thranduil said blandly as I stared back with determination.

"I know you will. I took an oath, Lord Thranduil, an oath I take to heart and one I will never break. I took an oath to help the weak and the homeless, to save every good life I could, to never give up on saving people unless there is no chance they can be saved. The people of Laketown helped save me from the rubble of Laketown when I distracted the dragon, it is only right I repay that good deed. Do not worry, Lord Thranduil, I was trained by Lord Elrond and his two sons, Elladan and Elrohir, in every form of stealth. I will return with your necklace." I said as Thranduil studied me for a moment.

I turned to leave, intending to hide the Arkenstone better in case I die, when Thranduil spoke.

"You have grown much since the child I met at Rivendell, Philomena, if you are to die at the hands of the dwarves, well... I will no longer despise you for trodding mud on my robes." Thranduil said, shocking me as I glanced back it him before nodding and making my way out of the tent, throwing the cloak over my shoulders as I took the trailing end of my scarf and tied them tight about my hair to keep it out of sight, glancing up at the setting sun as I pulled up the hood of my cloak, looking up to see Bard approaching with some fresh vegetables he held out to me.

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