120. Battle Plans

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"So, battle plans, before you handed me this armor I was going to ask you how they are going." I asked, trying to forget what just happened as Thorin nodded before moving over to a set of stone benches. I secretly admired him once more in the armor he is wearing before following and sitting next to him, not even trying to hide my fingers twirling one of his redone braids sticking out from the helmet he is wearing around my index finger. Thorin glanced at what I was doing and smiled before his expression turned serious.

"Dale has been reinforced, all the holes within the walls are filled and will be hard to break. Thranduil finally agreed, after some persuading from Lord Bard about your great plan and a dept he owes to you, to send his best archers up upon the higher points of Erebor to fire down arrows upon the enemy as they march in. Dain agreed with the plan of part of the Ironfoot being among half of Thranduil's army within Dale. There is a problem with that, if I am along the Ironfoot and Thranduil and Bard are standing before Erebor pretending to be about to fight, we have no one inside Dale who can keep the elves and dwarves from fighting before we begin the battle." Thorin said, seeming to think on the problem. I glanced around the training room, trying to think of an answer as well while spinning Thorin's braid about my finger before I realized something.

The elves trust me because I was raised by elves and because I returned a very dear item to their king. The dwarves trust me because I am a member of Thorin Oakenshield's company and, as I have no doubt they know now, I am being courted by their king. It makes sense, only I can be the one to lead the charge from this split part of the army.

My hand froze in his dark hair as I glanced up at him, seeing him look down, aware that I stopped as he met my eyes with his serious and thinking Durin blue eyes. In that moment I can very much see the leader and king he is, planning out every part of the battle to insure his people's victory over the enemy.

As I looked into his eyes, about to speak of my idea, his jaw clenched in anger and his eyes turned into icy daggers. I have no idea how he read my mind, maybe he has gotten better at reading me than I thought, but he spoke before I could.

"No." Thorin growled, more like ordered, and, while I find that quite attractive, it also pisses me off. He knows very well by now that he can't order me to do anything at I narrowed my eyes and him, glaring angrily as he glared back.

"It is the only logical solution." I growled, determined to prove my point. Thorin's eyes narrowed even more as he tensed, yet I get the feeling it was because of the intimidation I was giving off, secretly pleasing me that I could at least somewhat intimidate him.

"No, Ruby, I will not allow it." Thorin ordered in a growl, making me glare so angrily at him his expression faltered for a moment as I hissed, feeling my temper coming on.

"I may love you, Thorin, and I may respect your wishes, but you know very well you can never order me to do anything, so don't even start trying because I will do what I think is right, whether you agree or not. Did you not say you trust my choices, even if you do not agree with them?" I growled, watching his expression falter once more as he looked away.

"Philomena..." Thorin tried, but I wasn't hearing it, my temper having boiled over.

"Were those words just words to inspire me to speak of my plans? Do you truly not trust my judgement?" I growled, determined to force out an answer as I glared at the side of his helmet, sjust faintly hearing Fairfin croak worriedly above but I will not be stopped til I receive my answer. I need to know if Thorin trusts me or not.

"Ruby..." Thorin tried, glancing down at his gauntlet covered hands but I cut him off once more.

"No, Thorin! Tell me honestly, do you trust me or do you not?!" I growled, nearly yelled.

A Ruby's Shine (Thorin Oakenshield X OC)Where stories live. Discover now