79. The Idiot Master

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I walked through the streets with Bofur, Fili, and Kili right behind me. Fili and Kili returned my weapons that they somehow hid on their back's this whole time I still do not know how they did it, but I was glad to have my sword, my knives, and my bow once more on me. We passed by many people who stopped and stared at us, eyes watching me most of all as I walked with determination, three dwarves following my lead, my eyes focus on the Master's House.

It did not escape my attention that whispers started before a few began to follow me, some of the guards watched me with interest as well. ONe particularly stuppord and idiotic one stepped in my path.

"I am sorry, miss, but the Master is not accepting an audience today." He said proudly, the people whispering behind me. I narrowed my eyes at the guard.

"Do you value your position?" I growled, the guard freezing as the people behind me fell silent. He glanced around and gulped before meeting my eyes.

"Why yes miss I do." He said. I narrowed my eyes.

"Then I suggest you move before I knock you into the lake. I will not be stopped." I growled, glaring at him with the heat of fires as his eyes widened before he smirked.

"A little lady like you couldn't push me inta-" He began to say as I smirked and pushed him hard. "Woah!" He shouted before falling off the bridge and into the water. I heard Fili and Kili snickering behind me, as well as the laughs of a few of the people before I looked up at the guards down the pathway who stared at me in shock.

"Please. Step forward and try to stop me. If you do, I will do worse than I did to that fellow. You can ask the dwarves, I am not known for being the most patient towards those in my way." I said loudly enough for them to hear, holding my arms out. The guards stared at me and each other before quickly moving back.

"Lass, you certainly know how to move a crowd." Bofur said in amusement as I smiled a touch before clearing my expression ad walking forward, the guards ignored me but stopped the crowd of people trying to follow. I walked determinedly among the guard who watched me but did not stop me as I walked straight up to the door of The Master's house, the guards opening the doors for me immediately, not willing to get in my way. Shows their loyalty to their Master.

"...soon I will be rich with the gold of Erebor and trade, these grovelling peasants and common folk of Laketown will not see a penny of it! I won't have it, Alfrid, they are idiots and do not deserve that gold." The Master was saying, facing away from the door, sitting at a table eating chicken.

"And I wondered why your guards were so unloyal when I threatened their lives. Proves you do not hold their loyalty and trust. It is easy to see why, with your greed." I stated proudly, tipping my chin up and glaring the Idiot Master down as he turned in his chair, chicken grossly stuck to his face as the Weasel Alfrid stared at me while drinking wine.

Alfrid stepped forward as I glared at him, grimacing in disgust as he foul smell filled the room. Both of these men were filthy, do they were bathe?

"I remember you. You faked being a friend of Bard's child, you sat on the back of the boat and was silent, covered up in that cloak of yours. Then you showed up at the speech the other night, that dwarf Thorin asked were you were. Now that I get a closer look at you, you do not look like any dwarf I have met, Shorty." Alfrid said in his disgusting tone.

I glared at him as I felt more than saw the dwarves behind me stiffen. I even saw, out of the edge of my eye, as Bofur stepped forward, hammer he found in the weaponry raised threateningly. I held out a hand, Bofur stopping and looking at me. This still astonished me, though I kept it well hidden, that the dwarves were waiting on my word. I am not Thorin, I am not their leader, yet they are acting as if I am.

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