119. Training With Armor

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I walked a little awkwardly to the training room, glad to take the back ways and not run into Dain's Ironfoot because I am sure I will get some questioning looks. It took me some time to figure out how it put this stuff on, Fairfin croaking out laughter at me from a torch on the wall as I struggled to pull the right straps into place. I got the majority of the armor on right, except not being able to reach the straps on the back of the chestplate. I also wasn't sure how to make the helmet stay on my head, so I just took it and wore the chestplate as best I could to the Training Room.

The armor is surprisingly lighter than I expected, but I could tell it restricted some of my movements in annoying ways, yet less so than I saw in others wearing armor. I might be able to make this work, as long as I don't look stupid fighting in armor. I hope Thorin won't tease me about it later if I look like an idiot. Somehow, with the bits I am piecing together, I don't think he will. I moved my fingers experimentally inside the gauntlet on my hand, which I was happy left my fingers exposed and didn't restrict the movement of my hand, which I need for specific maneuvers of my sword. Unlike the armor I saw Thorin wearing in the Throne Room under the gold sickness, this armor was more sleek and less flashy, of course the bright silver look of Mithril wasn't exactly helping either. The idea that I am wearing armor that is worth more than Dale and Escaroth combined is a bit daunting but I can deal with it.

For Thorin.

His words of 'I love you' keep running through my mind, filling me with relief as I reached up and touched the ribbon once more in my hair. After our hug, Thorin held it out once more, to which I nodded and let him carefully braid my hair once more to hold the ribbon. I was glad to have it back, to know my actions are forgiven, to know Thorin still wants to court me, it relieved a great burden on my heart. I watched Fairfin fly on ahead through a tunnel back entrance to the Training Room. I visited it once during my exploration of Erebor, but didn't hang around long. All the training dummies there were old and rotten from a century of sitting there. But there was a training area and, with not of Dain's Ironfoot over here, it makes me more comfortable training with Thorin.

I entered the Training Room to hear Fairfin croaking to Thorin, and Thorin's softer replies. I still find it shocking Thorin can speak to Fairfin and I often wonder what the raven is telling Thorin. I stepped into the room and met a curious sight. Thorin was wearing armor, but not armor I recognized. It was no where near as flashy as the other armor he wore, Thank The Valar, but yet it was still made of iron and designed well enough to show his royal status. There was hardly a touch of gold on it, only a few thin lines here or there. It fit him better than that flashy gold armor did.

Thorin looked up as I approached and a rather odd look appeared on his face, one I have never seen before from him. He looked... gobsmacked. It is actually rather amusing, he stared, wide eyed at me, his lips parted slightly like he planned to say something and had forgotten what it was. I... have never received a look like that before so I am unsure of how to deal with it. I am not exactly considered pretty among human or elves and I have never met a female dwarf. The look is... flattering, especially since it isn't a dress I am wearing, but armor. It's actually pleasant to know Thorin would admire me in armor over a dress, showing even more that my heart chose the right person for me.

"Thorin?" I asked carefully as he blinked several times and grinned at me as I fought to hold down a blush, awkwardly holding onto the helmet, my sword at my side and my knives hidden away in the armor. I was most pleased to find hidden holders for knives all throughout my armor. Clearly the queen this armor was designed for had a love for knives.

Still astonishing to think I am wearing the armor of queens in both Moria and Erebor.

Thorin stepped forward, that awed, amazed look still in his eyes making me feel like butterflies are in my stomach just seeing it.

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