118. That Unknown Something

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I opened my eyes to the crystals above just beginning to lit the interior of my room, which includes the mountain. I knew we have more planning to do today, more to get ready, but I took a small moment to enjoy a bed, clean clothes and clean hair. It is a rarity for me, which is hilarious since I enjoy being clean and not gross with sweat. But, living the lifestyle I chose, being clean is something a little less easy to find. I heard Fairfin making small clicking noises as he did... whatever it is he does when I am sleeping. He often doesn't sleep as much as I do.

I sighed as I sat up, shaking my hair to get it away from statically clinging to the pillow as I sat up, stretching before moving on to finding some suitable clothing. I already went through a few places, including the armory, to lay out some tough leather pieces for the battle. I myself have never worn armor so I don't know if I could fight as I need to in it, so I thought hard leather pieces would work for the battle, even though everyone but me and Gandalf will be wearing armor. Bilbo showed me the chain shirt made from Mithril Thorin gave him. I was honestly surprised, knowing the rarity of Mithril since Moria was abandoned. It was the only place in the world you could mine the rare tough material.

I pulled out a thick coat of dark grey material, dark grey pants, my boots, my scarf, and a cloak Thorin found me. I smiled a touch as I picked up the cloak that wasn't made of highly expensive materials or anything like that. No, it was just a simple black cloak with the inside lined with grey fur for warmth, the edge of the fur sticking out from the sides. It was simple and light, plus warm so I was glad he found it.

Yet, I still hid the half burned cloak here in the room I claimed for the time being. I don't receive many gifts so I am keeping that one safe.

I got dress, tying a fur belt tight about my waist along with my sword, placing my obsidian knives in the holders on my boots before tying up my hair in the scarf tight as I threw the cloak on, snapping the metal pieces together before making my way out of my room.

I did really get much sleep, first thinking over my plan and... and touching the Arkenstone as I experimented. Fairfin knew I was testing if I truly was absorbing magic from the stone and sat dutifully on my knee, watching me and letting me know though his emotions if my gift is seemingly getting stronger or not.

When I discovered that, yes, each time I poked the exposed side of the Arkenstone, I was gaining more control over my gift... well, that terrified me, but it helped me plan out my 'Last Resort'. I wasn't going to let Thorin know, except after if we all survive this battle, but I knew that, if it was the other way around, I would be trying everything to talk him out of it. I love him, I love him so much that idea of him dying... well, it would break me. I opened my heart up to him and he shocked me by doing the same. No one has ever treated me as Thorin does. By that I mean, no one has ever seen me as both a person capable of defending myself, and a person with a great amount of care for others.

I wondered, vaguely, if, what Lady Galadriel meant all those months ago... is that, it's not my place of birth I am searching for, it is this, a Company I can call family, and a dwarf who loves me and respects the person I am and never asks me to change. I just wish I could have seen it sooner, but I will not let that drag me down, I will continue to live as I always have, enjoying each day like it is my last.

I walked down the pathway and down the stairs among the interior of a pillar, so distracted I didn't even notice Thorin looking up at me in amusement till I ran right into him.

"Hey, watch it-" I growled, stopping and blinking as I noticed Thorin holding my arms to steady me as he grinned in amusement.

"Is that how you always respond to running into someone? Because, in this case, you were the one that ran into me, Ruby." Thorin said with a smirk as I rolled my eyes. Internally, my heart jumped with happiness at the nickname I grew very fond of since Thorin gave it to me. Then I frowned.

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