81. The Plan

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I walked through the town, people racing all about me. I was uncomfortable at the few who nodded or even bowed to me before they ran by me in their haste to gather their things and make for Mirkwood. I stopped a few times to help, like when an elderly woman and two young girls were trying to load their pig on their boat, in which I quickly and easily convinced said pig to get on the boat.

I stopped again as I spotted people loading cloths to survive the cold winter if it hits and quickly helped, picking up as many as I could carry and placing them on their boat. Even a few I helped carefully load young children aboard the boats, telling them to carry only what is necessary with winter around the corner and not enough boats for everyone. I passed by several panicking people and calmed them, telling them to prepare and to gather all they need and, if they hurry, they will have what is needed to survive the cold months ahead.

I glanced around after a time, looking up to see the sun near midday as I bit my lip, closing my eyes before looking forward once more. I learned this entire town's layout during out stay here so I know where the jail is. The old looking building lay ahead, it's connector between the two building's bending out over one of the boat path's. There are few houses around here, more of this place is for the guards who are now helping the people prepare and, last I heard, taking orders from Fili and Kili as they directed the town's evacuation.

I ran up to the door of the building, pushing it open to see weaponry and a table covered in mugs of ale, clearly the guards left in a hurry. I glanced around.

"Bard?" I called.

Silence. Then a snore.

I rolled my eyes, guessing he is asleep as I stepped in, looking at the wall of knives. I will have to come back for some of those. I turned and ran up the rickety stairs, following the snores to the overhang part of the build, running along old beat up cells I could escape with ease. Finally, I stopped, seeing the back of Bard's brown long coat as he laid out on a nasty looking bed, snoring.

I sighed, "BARD!" I yelled loudly. He snorted and sat up, blinking heavily before his eyes landed on me and widened.

"Philomena? What are you doing here?" He asked in shock, glancing around, "Why is the jail silent? The guards were drinking earlier." He said as I smirked, pulling a knife free, there isn't enough time to search for the keys.

"That probably because the guards of Laketown no longer follow The Master's words, especially since I do believe I made the Master of Laketown piss his pants." I said, sticking the knife in the lock ,searching for the unlocking point.

"Did you really? I would have paid to see that." Bard said as I quickly stood and approached the jail cell door. I finally found the unlocking point and pushed, the wood door opening with a click. "But why are you here, getting me out of a cell?" Bard asked as he stepped out and I put away the knife.

"I'll explain along the way. Come, lets grab what weaponry we can here as quickly as possible. Don't worry about the guards, they are following me, for the moment." I said, turning and running back down the stairs in into the armory.

"How did you pull that off?" Bard questioned as I ran up to the wall of knives, quickly pulling free the one of little use and picking up heavy, well weight knives for throwing.

"Oh, I had a little help. Being the one being courted my Thorin Oakenshield makes it surprisingly easy to get people to listen to you." I said absent-mindedly as I put away the new knives in my boots, my sleeves, pockets, anywhere I could fit them.

"You are being courted by Thorin!? How do you two even get along?!" Bard asked in astonishment as I heard him pick out a bow and arrows. I rolled my eyes as I picked up a small throwing axe, strapping it to the belt of my sword as I searched around, picking up another quiver of arrows as I may need it.

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