108. Seeing The Error of My Ways

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Thorin's POV

I leaned back on My Throne, legs thrown over the arm rest as I raised my hand. I moved my fingers, watching the many gold and silver rings move and catch in the light on my hands, grinning as I watched My Gold shift and shimmer beautifully.

You know what else is more worth it than that foolish gold you cling to day in and day out? Your One, who you not only pushed away but you pushed her to join the People of Laketown. While I am not exactly happy either that she stole the necklace for Thranduil, I also understand she did it to prevent a war, which is quite admirable of her. She wished to save us from a war. That look on her face though when we last spoke to her... the distrust, the wariness and the anger. She hates us, admit it you are so completely lost to your stupid obsession with the-

"SHUT IT! Did I not tell you before that your pathetic voice just irritates me all the more? If you were a real person instead of an annoying voice I would strangle you, repeatedly." I growled in irritation.

And I told you that I would never stop bothering you till you realize your guilt, so, no, your will just have to deal with me talking to you day in and day out until your thick skull realizes just what you have done. You not only pushed away your One but also scared Bilbo Baggins enough he left Erebor, unable to stand your horrible paranoia, irritation, and hate towards others who have only shown you loyalty. You are the weak one, not accepting that something is very, very wrong with you.

"I swear you make me want to strangle Smaug." I growled as I dropped my hand, admiring the silver and gold of the king's armor as well as my expensive robes. I reached up and felt along the crown atop my head, caressing the gold and silver.

Ha! Ya, sure, go strangle an already dead dragon. Oh, wait, who helped kill the dragon that forced your people from your homeland at the cost of her health? Right, I know who. Your One, who probably knew the dragon would seek to attack Laketown and wanted to stop the dragon once and for all. I am not surprised, she is sometimes brave to the point of stupidity. But it's also admirable. She puts other lives above her own, and you know why?

I grumbled irritably, wishing this damn voice would shut up. By Mahal, it has become near unbearable in recent weeks and only grows more irritating each time I see The Traitor.

Thank you, for the kind words. I am glad to know I am irritating because maybe IT WILL KNOCK SOME SENSE INTO YOUR THICK, STUBBORN, IRRITATING SKU-

"Thorin." A cold, enraged and detached voice said. I didn't recognize it as I clenched my hand on my sword and stood, glaring hatefully at the intruder as I held my sword out, prepared to run them through. I watched the intruder, unable to see their face clearly due to them standing in the dark between the braziers. Really should have the Company lite more of these, this is My Throne!

I narrowed my eyes in rage as the shadow stepped into the light wearing a dark cloak. I watched as hands reached up and pushed the cloak off of insane red curly hair, a set of cold, determined and emotionless eyes stared at me from a purely determined face practically set in stone. Her chin held up in that stubborn way of hers, back straight and hands clasped in front of her, but I could tell by the look on her face alone that she was here to say something and is determined, no matter what, to say it.

Oh no, what is she doing here?! No, no, this isn't good, why is she here?! Your going to hurt her! You won't be able to live with yourself if you hurt her! I do have to admit though... the way she is standing, the look in her eyes and the set of her features... I can easily imagine her as a queen. But she looks so in pain under it all... what have I done....

A Ruby's Shine (Thorin Oakenshield X OC)Where stories live. Discover now