Chapter 19.2

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Chapter 19.2

Worth of a friend

‘Damn it. I almost had it….’

Angela continued to sob uncontrollably, the thought that her well thought out plan had been foiled in its last stages. Never had she felt such rage and disappear before. And now as the numbness began to leave body, she slowly lifted her head to look up at her former comrades.

‘So close…I almost…killed them all’, Angela thought to herself, her tears clouding her vision but still allowing her to see her main target, Martin Sevan.

Angela could feel his gaze piercing into her chest, making her feel disgust and anger. And to add fuel to that raging fire within her was the nonchalant look on the face of Sevan. It’s almost as if he was taunting her, like he had all those years before when she watched him on the television set. Yes, the same look he had when he had announced on live television that he had been the one behind the South East Asian bombings. The bombings which were the worst ever in the South East of Asia, killing more than 11,000 people in 6 different countries. And a bombing which had taken the live of someone very dear to Angela Lockhart

‘Dammit…I’m sorry. I couldn’t avenge…I’m so sorry I couldn’t get revenge for you…Devan’, Angela whimpered as she slammed her clenched fists into the hard ground, more tears flowing out as she remembered the young boy who had been the source of her childhood happiness.


‘Haha…What a weakling! Are you sure you’re a vampire, bitch!’, a boy, who looked to be about 10 years old, taunts before he kicks a young Angela Lockhart to the sandy ground of the playground they were on.

‘P-Please…leave me alone’, Angela begged as he scoots back towards the side of the slide, pressing her small back against it as she tried to defend herself from the punches and kicks of the boy and his two friends.

‘Hehehe…Beg some more vampy. If you do we’ll let you go’, a girl with light brown hair which was tied in a ponytailed and a tanned freckled face teases as she kicks Angela in the stomach, hard.

Angela doubles over in pain, clutching her stomach as she gasped for air. She was now laying on her right side on the sand, coughing and wheezing as she tried to crawl away.

‘Please…I beg you to stop’, she pleaded getting a shoe into her face when she had finished.

‘Hahah…No way vampy. You’re kind are the ones that work with The Order. We must beat up yucky people like you so we can be safe. Die vampy! Die!’, the other boy who had light brown hair screamed at Angela as he repeatedly stomped at her face and stomach, soon joined in by the other two bullies.

As Angela lay there on the cold sand, her consciousness fading as the kicks began to do more and more damage to her little body, she saw a figure running towards her. And just before she blanked out, she saw the face of a young boy contort in anger as he flung himself at the leader of the bullies

‘An..gela….Ange…la….Angela…Wake up Angela’

The soothing and calm voice stirred Angela from her unconscious mind, slowly bringing her back to reality. Her eyes fluttered open and a small smile formed on her face as she looked up at the face of her savior.

‘Angela? Are you ok?’, the young boy asked as he rubbed away a bit of blood on his medium brown skin, his white shirt covered in blood stains and dirt marks just like Angela’s blue frilly dress.

Angela gave him a small nod, before her eyes widened when she realized that he had been hurt because of her. Tears immediately began to form at the corner of her eyes as she hugged the young boy tightly, nuzzling her face into his chest.

The boy looks down at her, blinking in surprise as he lightly stroked her hair with his right hand while he used the other to hold on to her.

‘Angela? Why are you crying?’, he asks her as he rubs his light brown eyes with the hand he was using to stroke her hair, before moving it back to continue with the job.

‘IDIOT! IDIOT! IDIOT!’, Angela cried as she pounded her tiny fists against the boy’s chest, sobbing uncontrollably before hugging him tightly around the waist.

‘Devan you idiot …Why did you have to protect me. Why did you have to get hurt for me?! I didn’t ask for your help’, she mumbled out after she had calmed down slightly, her words slightly muffled by her tears.

The young boy named Devan just looked down at the vampire who was clinging to him, smiling warmly as he hugged her even closer.

‘Cause Angela is my friend, and I look out for my friends’, he replied to her with a warm and calming tone that immediately caught the little girl’s attention.

Angela looked up at Devan in disbelief. How could he, a human, call her, a vampire, friend? Her kind were highly hated by most humans due to the fact that the majority were siding with The Order. And yet Devan, the son of the I.M’s commander G. Anandan, just called her a friend.

‘D-Do you mean that Devan?, she asked him in a meek voice, gasping softly when she felt his warm hands wipe away her tears.

Devan made sure that Angela’s face was clear of the dirt and tears that had come from the hands of the bullies before he smiled warmly and gave her a reply.

‘Yes Angela. I mean it’

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