Chapter 5.3

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Chapter 5.3



Maria and the girls turned to see Hana White and her 3 friends, Akimoto Kumiko, Shimako Tomei and Nakasawa Moeko, walking towards them. And it was clear by the look on Hana’s face that they weren’t coming over to congratulate them.

‘What is it Hana-chan?’, Maria said turning to face her, irritation in her voice.

‘I heard you were assigned a mission with the I.M…..not bad, Maria-chan’.

This surprised Maria as she was expecting Hana to be mean or angry towards her.

‘Well..Uh…Thanks Hana-chan. I wasn’t expecting you to say something so nice’.

‘Whatever….now I have something I need you and your team to do for me’, Hana said, a mischievous look on her face.

‘And what would that be?’, Helena asked, suspicious of the way Hana was acting.

‘Oh nothing too difficult……I just want you girls to pull out of the mission’.

‘WHAT!?’, Team Infinity yelled in unison, shocked and angry at Hana’s ridiculous request.

‘Well I don’t think you’re suited to for the mission. Especially if King-sama is going to be there….so if you guys pull out then the principle will choose the next best team, which is obviously mine’, Hana said, further infuriating Team Infinity.

‘Hey don’t you dare make fun of our Onee-chans’, Sayuri yelled at Hana.

‘Look here squirt. What I said is the truth. Your Onee-chan doesn’t like King-sama if I recall. What if she takes out her anger on him during the mission? It could cause the whole thing to fail. That’s why I think we should be the ones who go instead’.

‘Ok….First of all Maria-chan is a professional unlike you. I’m sure she’ll be able to hold back her anger better than you can hold back your flirting habit when you see The King’, Rose said stepping forward, trying to look threatening to Hana.

‘Secondly… don’t think too highly of yourself. Your team is nowhere near second best. Heck you’d be lucky if you made it into the top ten in the level with your mediocre skills. If we do pull out for some strange reason, Principle Sarumara will probably chose Daisuke-Kun’s team, not your team’, Rose said, making Hana back off slightly.

The way Rose had addressed Daisuke piqued Maria’s interest as she never called a boy using Kun.

‘Daisuke…..Kun?’, Maria asked Rose, who’s face immediately turned bright red.

‘Ooooh….so that’s what it is’, Maria thought, smiling inwardly, happy for Rose.

‘Alright you heard Rose-chan. We are not pulling out of this mission and that’s final’.

‘Well what if we make you pull out’, Hana asked, a mean look in her eye.


‘Maria Haganei I challenge you to a match! The winner of the match and her team will be the ones who go on this mission! Do you accept!’, Hana challenged Maria, stepping forward threateningly.

Maria was slightly taken aback by this sudden challenge. She didn’t know how to react. Just as she was deciding what to do a person from the crowd spoke out.

‘And what seems to be the problem here?’, Principle Sarumara asked as he stepped out of the crowd that had gathered.

‘Principle!’, the girls exclaimed, shocked by his sudden interference.

‘So Hana-chan, you think you and your team are better suited to take on the mission than Team Infinity, hmmm?’.

‘Well…I think that….Yes. Yes I do think we are better suited’.

‘I see….if that’s the case then I have no choice. Maria and Hana both of you will fight to determine who the better team is and as Hana wanted, the person who wins will get to go on the mission’.

‘I’m sorry I have to do this Maria-chan’, Sarumara said to Maria, giving her an apologetic look.

‘It’s ok Sir’.

‘Don’t worry Maria-chan, we’ll be right behind you’, Helena said, placing a reassuring hand on Maria’s shoulder.

‘So will we Onee-chan’, the four younger ones said.

‘Thanks girls. I don’t know what I would do without you.’

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