Chapter 18.3

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Chapter 18.3

Declaration of a truce

Crown blinked a couple of times as he looked at his partner, before letting out a slight sigh of relief when he realized what Rick was talking about.

‘Oh right. Completely forgot about that. Thanks for reminding me X’, Crown thanked Rick as he lightly pat his shoulder, getting a slight ‘Hmph’ as a reply.

‘And what is this message that you want to tell me?’, Sevan asked, slightly intrigued now by what the two Guardians would want to tell him.

‘Oh it’s not from us sir. We’re just passing it on to you from the General’, Crown clarifies as he pulls out a new palms size HR10 tablet from his back pocket.

The tablet quickly unfolds till it’s about the size of an A4 sheet of paper. He taps the touch screen which lights up, before swiping through a few note.

‘Ah here we go’, Crown finally said as he came to the document he wanted.

‘Ok so this is the declaration from Taskforce 666 Chief Commander and I.M Chief Commander, General G Anandan’, Crown starts, catching the attention of everyone there when he mentioned the name, G Anandan.

‘Ah…I was wondering how he had not stepped into this yet. So he’s been working from the background huh’, Sevan mumbled out.

‘Shh...Listen first, comments later’, Rick cut in, smirking as he watched Sevan scowl at him.

‘Alright, alright. So here goes…’, Crown said before clearing his throat.

‘As an act of good nature and old ties with The leader of The Order, Former Brigadier General Martin Lucien Sevan, General G Anandan has decided to give The Order one last chance to stop their acts of terror and violence against the New U.N, International Military, Neutral countries and The Legion. This includes the surrendering of all know weapons of mass destruction held under The Order’s possession, the surrendering of all Order personal who will be then court marshaled fairly by the U.N, immediate release of all I.M, Neutral countries and U.N hostages and Prisoners of War held in any and all Order camps and the a signed peace treaty by Former Brigadier General Martin Lucien Sevan himself. This offer stands till 15th August 20XX. Within that time there must be a mandatory ceasefire between both sides. If The Order complies with the terms of surrender they will be given fair trial by the court marshal, all injured members of The Order will be given regulation standard medical treatment and care and none of The Order members will be given capital punishment. Failure to comply will result in….’

‘….An ass whooping from 666’, Rick suddenly cuts in as he lightly cracks his knuckles, before getting hit in the back of the head by Crown’s tablet.

‘Freaking bastard’, Rick cursed under his breath as he rubbed the back of his head with both his hands.

‘Shut up X…Now where was I? Ah right…As I was saying, failure to comply will result in the immediate mobilization of Taskforce 666, Shadow Company and The Wreckers on The Order forces. There will be no extension to the offer. Failure to give an answer by 23:59 on 15 Aug 20XX will result in The I.M taking your answer to be No and will result in the mobilization of the above stated I.M units which fall under direct command of General G Anandan. No extension will be given unless stated by General G Anandan.’, Crown reads the remainder of the message of his tablet before folding it and putting it away, his gaze falling back on to the members of The Order.

‘So…What do you have to say old man?’, Rick asks as he looks up Sevan, his blue eyes glowing slightly behind his red shades.

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