Chapter 20.7

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Chapter 20.7



The shocked voice of her father caused Angela to be jolted out of her daze before she turned her head to face him. She blinked a few times before smiling sheepishly when she saw the looks of disbelief on the faces of her parents as well as the rest of The Legion.

‘Um…Sorry…I was caught up in the moment’, Angela stuttered out her explanation, before moving her fingers to touch her bottom lip, the lingering sensation of Devan’s lips causing her to blush again.

‘Angela Lockhart! That was rude and un-lady like! I don’t care if you like the boy or not. But to kiss him in front of his father!?’, Arthur yelled at his daughter, who merely pouted as she walked over and hid behind her mother.

‘Now dear what Angela did may have been rash…But she was separated from Devan for a very long time. Maybe under that context, Anand will be forgiving?’, Emilie Lockhart whispered to her husband, not daring to turn to look at Anandan who she knew would have been fuming at that very moment.

All Arthur could do was let out a soft sigh as both mother and daughter had successfully found a way to push the task of asking for forgiveness from Anandan on to him. And as the vampire lord looked over to were the leader of The Legion stood, he could tell by the intense look in his light brown eyes that he was either very angry on in very deep shock. Anandan’s gaze had not left the spot where his dazed son was still standing. Even after Rick had come back and dragged Devan away he continued to stare intently at that spot. As Arthur took a weary step towards him, Anandan finally let out a long sigh.

‘Angela…’, The older male called out to the young vampire, who stiffened as she took a step away from her mother and stood within the peripheral vision of Anandan.

‘Y-Yes sir?’, She stuttered out before closing her eyes when Anandan swiftly turned to face her, fearing the wrath of the Legend.

But what happened next stunned every single one of the Legion members, and even the young vampire who blinked open her eyes when she felt a soft touch against her right cheek. The owner of the hand was none other than G Anandan, who had a warm smile on his face as he looked at the girl.

‘I wish you luck Angela. My son is a very oblivious to his emotions. It may take a while, but I hope that you two do end up together’, Anandan said before removing his hand away from her cheek.

‘If you truly care for him and want to stay by his side, I suggest you come look for me…after you get some R&R like what Devan has instructed you to do of course’, He adds to his previous words before giving Angela a quick pat on the head and walking back to his vehicle soon after.

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