Chapter 10.9

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Chapter 10.9

End of their first night

Maria was devastated. How could she have done that to King?! He had risked his life to save her and this was the thanks she was giving him?!

‘Dammit what are you doing Maria?! You’re supposed to thank him not scream at him!’, Maria scolded herself internally as she repeatedly hit her forehead with her palm, causing it to redden slightly.

‘Ohhh….Now what do I do? King must be furious with me now’, Maria mumbled to herself as tears filled with self-hatred began falling from her eyes.

Maria turned her gaze towards The King, slowly due to both the guilt and fear she was feeling from her previous outburst.

Maria was expecting the King to be fuming, even poised to strike out at her, when her eyes finally fell on him. So she was dumbfounded when she found him leaning against the cave wall, breathing softly as he drifted into a semi-awake state. Maria blinked in surprise. King wasn’t angry? How could he not be angry? He was always angry…..or that was what Maria had heard from a few of her seniors.

‘Um…..King-sama’, Maria called out to him, softly as she was still wary of his temper.

King didn’t respond.

‘Hey…..King!’, Maria repeated herself this time slightly more louder.

King furrowed his eyebrows. He opened one eye to look at Maria.  After which he shrugged slightly, closing his eye and continuing to ignore her.

‘King……I’m sorry for screaming at you….so please…..don’t ignore me’, Maria told King, hanging her head slightly to let him know she felt bad for her actions before.

King opened his eyes briefly but didn’t look at Maria, instead looking at the opposite cave wall. After which he closed his eyes, completely ignoring Maria.


Maria was close to tears. She had always been the type of girl who would feel bad or cry when she does wrong to other people and was unable to earn their forgiveness. And in this case the fact that the person she hurt had been someone who saved her, made her feel twice as bad.

‘King I’m….I’m…sor….’, Maria tried to stutter out her apology, hugging herself and looking towards the floor as tears flowed down her cheeks from the self-hatred of screaming at her savior and the fear of being alone.

‘……You don’t need to repeat yourself….. I heard you the first time’, King finally said, causing Maria to snap her head in his direction. He was smiling softly, happy that he got the chance to get his revenge.

‘Wha…’, Maria stammered, feeling dumbfounded, and slightly relieved, when she saw a smile on King’s face.

‘Pfft…’, King snickered before breaking out into laughter.

King looked at Maria’s face, which was now covered with small pearls of tears, feeling a bit bad for making such a cute girl cry. But of course, the satisfaction of successfully teasing her made up for it allowing him to continue laughing without any guilt. After all….she started it.

‘HAHAHAH…..I can’t believe you fell for that… really are too easy to play with Tits’, King gasped in between breaths, looking at Maria who was now completely stunned.

‘Wha…you’re not mad at me?’, Maria asked, finally digesting what had just happened.

‘Hell no…..would be a complete lie. I felt pissed, but decided this ain’t the best time to get into a fight….But that didn’t mean I wasn’t gonna get some revenge….HAHAHA!’, King explained before going back to laughing.

‘Whew….I’m glad that you aren’t angry…..but that was a bit mean King, I really thought you were pissed off at me.’, Maria told King, pouting as she did. But after a minute she began smiling.

‘What the bloody hell are you smiling for’, King asked, giving Maria a quizzical look as he regained control over his senses.

‘Well I’m happy that you’re not angry at me….Also, I got to see a more…cuter side of you too. You look a lot better when you’re smiling, you know?’, Maria said teasingly, hoping to get King to blush.

‘Heh…I’ve been told’, King replied with a confident and cool smile, not fazed at all by Maria’s teasing.

After which King leaned back against the wall again, feeling slightly relieved that Maria didn’t hold anything against him for his small act.

The minutes that followed were filled with soft snickers from Maria and the occasional chuckle from King, reducing the tension between the two to almost zero.

After letting out one more laugh, Maria turned her attention back to King, who was now looking out at the rain, looking at him with her bright green eyes, a soft smile forming on her face.

‘King…’, Maria called out to him to get his attention.

King didn’t turn towards her but let out a soft ‘Hmmm…’ to let her know he was listening to her.

‘…..Thank you….for saving me’, Maria thanked the King, blushing softly as she did.

‘……No problem’, King replied as he turned his head back to face forward, leaning back against his side of the cave and closing his eyes as he did.


‘Hmm…’, King replied, starting to get  slightly annoyed at Maria for preventing him from getting some shut eye.

‘You going to sleep?’, Maria asked innocently.

‘…Yeah’, King replied before turning his head away from her.

‘Oh, ok…..Goodnight…’

‘Goodnight Tits’, King said before going silent, letting his good friend sleep take over.

After watching King for a few minutes, Maria lay down on the cold cave floor and shut her eyes as well, trying to get some sleep before the long day ahead of her.

‘I hope the girls are ok?’, Maria thought before closing her eyes and letting sleep envelop her.

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