Chapter 13.2

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Chapter 13.2

The enemy that was kept close

23 was about to continue when he was cut off by a blast of fire which hit the ground beside him, scorching it black. The source of the fire stood with his right hand aimed at the spot the fire hit and a very angry look on his face.

‘Shut your bloody mouth, you half a piece of shit!’, King growled, moving his arm to aim his hand at 23

‘My, my….what a temper’, 23 said with a slight mocking tone, cautiousness in his movements as he knew he had enraged the King.

Maria looks at King from her spot, tears falling from her eyes.

‘King…it’s…my….fault….I’m…sorry….’, Maria stammered, both from her crying and the fear rising as she thought of what King was going to do to her.

King didn’t turn around but Maria could see him clench his fist, which made her even more fearful.


‘It’s not your fault’, King cuts Maria off, startling her slightly.

‘But…’, Maria starts, stopping when she sees King turn his head to the left to glance at her.

‘It’s not….your fault’, King repeats, a small reassuring smile on his face.

Maria just blinks at him, nodding slowly.

After King was sure Maria had stopped her bawling, King turned back to 23.

‘Alright bastard who was it?’, King asked, confusing 23 with his sudden question.

‘What do you mean boy?’, 23 asked in a mocking tone, knowing very well what King was trying to get out of him.

King folded his arms across his chest, giving 23 a irritated look.

‘You know what I mean. Who gave you Tit’s student card’s tracking number?’, King asked in a threating tone.

Maria looked at King with a puzzled look.

‘Wh…what do you mean King?’, she asked in a soft voice.

‘Every student card has a tracker number issued along with it. The number is kept by the homeroom teacher and the principle of each respective student….So the only way this guy could have known your number is if somebody from your school told him…’,King explained, his eyes glued on 23.

Maria was dumbfounded. Was what King trying to tell her true?

‘You mean…there’s a spy in Rakkenhima? ’Maria asked, a shocked and worried look on her face.

‘Hahahah….Yes there is’, 23 answered on King’s behalf, laughing cruelly.

King continued staring at 23, his glare intensifying.


‘Now what was his name again……’, 23 said, bringing a claw up to scratch his chin.

‘Ah yes…..Takeshi, Rick Takeshi!’, 23 said, before lunging at King, thinking he had thrown him off guard by stalling the fight.

But King was ready. As soon as the big lizard charged at him, he materialized Dentanas, swinging it at 23’s chest. The sword’s blade hit its mark but unfortunately, hit the tough scale instead of the muscle, pushing 23 back instead of slicing into him.

As 23 skidded back, King’s brain processed what 23 had told him.

‘Takeshi….as in like Takeshi Akihiko…’, King asked, twirling Dentanas in his hand as he ran at 23, aiming to hit his neck this time.

‘Yes that’s right…the son of one of the Lords of The Legion’, 23 replied, blocking King’s attack with his arm and pushing King back slightly.

King rolls and gets back to his feet, getting into a defensive stance as he faced 23.

‘No wonder…..’

King glances over his shoulder at Maria, who was frozen due to shock.

‘He’s related to you….isn’t he?’, King asked, to which Maria nodded.

King gives her a soft look.

‘I’m sorry…’, he said, before turning his attention back to the fight, charging at 23 again.

Maria was devastated. How could her beloved Rick be a spy? She couldn’t believe it. But as she thought about it, it did start to make a bit of sense. Rick did hate the school as well as their family. And he could access the database of the school if he wanted since he was known to be good with computers. But to actually give it to The Order! Maria just couldn’t let that thought sink in.

‘No…Rick-kun wouldn’t…do that’, Maria mumbled as wrapped her arms around herself to stop herself from shivering, crying softly as she did.

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