Chapter 6.3

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Chapter 6.3

Plans of The Order

Back at the Order’s main palace, Martin Sevan and Tok Jun Hong were in the test lab watching as the researches began a new phase in testing out the new serums they were working on.

‘Injecting serum into test subject, injected amount 12oz’

‘Checking vital signs…….vital signs stable….elemental powers increasing by 10%.’

Sevan looked on as the tests proceeded. The new subject condition s looked stable and he wasn’t showing any signs of discomfort or pain.

‘Increase the amount by three times’, Sevan ordered.

‘But, sir…..that could kill the subject’.

‘We are running low on time Mr. Hong….we need to make a break through soon! Increase the amount’, Sevan repeated.

‘……Increasing amount to 36oz…’

‘Increasing amount…..’

‘Vitals look normal….elemental powers increasing by 60%!......Sync ratio increasing by 50%!’ The head researcher Johnathan Hong, read of the monitor.

‘Good….Implement the Guardian chip’, Sevan said looking at the test subject who was now radiating a strange glow from his body.


‘Do it Hong!’

‘…..Implement Guardian chip’,

Sevan watched as the researcher in the test room started to put a small red ship into the chest of the test subject. All of Sevan’s plans were riding on the success of these tests. He need this to work.

‘Chip implanted….’

Just then the screens started flashing red. The researchers started panicking.

‘What happened!’, Sevan asked.

But he more or less had a grasp of what was going on when he looked into the test room. The test subject was now shaking violently and foaming at the mouth. The area were the chip had been put into him was now glowing and the skin was expanding around the shoulder area.

‘Sir….the subject can’t take the strain of the Guardians powers….we need to pull the….’.

Before Hong could even finish his words, the test subjects chest and shoulders exploded, killing him instantly. Sevan watched as another attempt at gaining the powers of a Guardian failed.

‘Shut down the system…’, he said before he and Jun Hong turned to leave.

‘Another failure…this is really starting to get depressing’.

‘But Master we seem to have made some progress….we were able to bring the sync rate to 50%’.

‘That is but a small step…..The I.M is already close to gaining Guardians amongst their ranks…we need to speed up the tests’.

‘As you say my master’.

As Sevan and Jun Hong kept walking, Sevan suddenly felt pain in his head.

‘Not again…..’, Sevan thought as random memories start flashing inside his head, the pain intensifying with each one.

‘JUN HONG! Give me my medicine!’

‘Here it is Master’, Jun Hong said as he took two pills out a small container he had in his pocket.

Sevan took the pills and swallowed them. It took a few minutes for the pills to work, but the pain and sudden memories eventually resided.

‘Master….was it another attack?’

‘Unfortunately yes…..I wonder what these memories mean….maybe I’m finally going senile’.

‘Master, they’re probably just memories from the war….nothing to worry about as long as you take your medication’.

‘Oh, I’m not worried. After all I have a good successor to take care of things for me if anything happened to me’, Sevan said, putting his hand on Jun Hong’s shoulder, a soft and fatherly look in his eyes.


As Sevan and Jun Hong were lost in their disciple-student moment, one of Jun Hong’s men walked up to them.

‘Sir! We just received word from our spy’, he said as he handed Jun Hong a file.

Jun Hong waved the soldier away before looking through the file. Sevan looked on as his disciple skimmed through the report.

‘Well? What does it say Jun Hong’.

‘We’ve got the info we needed….the I.M is hitting the Cosmos base’.

‘Well then, get Sting and her men in there and move the equipment and materials out….’

Right away master’, Jun Hong said before leaving to fulfil his orders.

‘Oh and Jun Hong…….set up a little ‘present’ for our friends from the I.M will you?’, Sevan added, a cruel smile forming on his face as he said it.

‘As you wish, my master’.

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