Chapter 13.1

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Chapter 13.1

Bad day for good men

As King finishes answering Maria, an ear piercing cry ripped through the area where the two were standing. The noise was too much for Maria and she moved her hands to cover her ears. King on the other hand just stood there, a cruel smile plastered on his face as the attacker jumped out from the trees and stood in front of him.

‘Well, well….so you two are still alive…’, the big, green lizard man named 23 said in a taunting way.

‘Like a drop into a raging waterfall was going to kill me’, King replied boldly.

23 smirked at King’s comment, admiring how such a young being could be so brave even in the face of death.

Of course, the admiration was only temporary. 23 immediately charged at King and Maria, his claws positioned to strike and his mouth wide open to bite, anticipating the taste of young flesh in his mouth.

But the attack was to straight forward and King could easily dodge it by side stepping to the left. As 23 charged by King kicked at the back of his legs, causing the huge lizard to lose his balance and crash into a tree, stunning him temporarily.

The small window of opportunity was exactly what King needed. He quickly began looking around him for a spot to put Maria down, settling for a small rock formation behind him. He rushes over to the rocks and puts down Maria against them. He looks at her slightly traumatized face.

‘Stay here Tits. You’ll be fine…’, King said reassuringly, before turning towards 23.

As he was about to leave her, Maria grabbed his right arm. King turned to look at Maria, who had tears in her eyes.

‘Don’t die….ok?’, Maria said as tears began forming at the corner of her eyes.

King looked at her and to Maria’s amazement, gave her a small smile.

‘Don’t worry….this bastard can’t kill me’, King reassures Maria, before taking her hand of his arm and walking back towards 23.

23 was just recovering from the shock of colliding with the tree when King walked up to him, standing a few feet away.

‘Yo bug breath, how the hell did you find us man? I’m pretty sure we would have washed off any scent marks you put on us when we fell in the river’, King asked as he looked at 23, standing in a very laxed stance with both hands in his pockets and a slacked posture.

When he heard this, 23 let out a cruel and evil laugh.

‘Hahaha……King, King, did you really think that I’d just rely on my primal senses to find you when I have access to modern technology?’ 23 asked mockingly as he pulled out a small rectangular device from the pockets of the torn up shorts he was wearing.

King took one look at the device and knew what it was, which made him even more confused considering its purpose.

‘An Rx88?’

‘Yes King, that’s what it is’, 23 said calmly as he switched on the tracker

King moved his right hand out of his pocket to scratch the back of his head.

‘That makes no sense. The Rx models are used for school attendance purpose. They shouldn’t be able to track anything…..’

King stops midsentence, realization dawning on him.

‘They can’t track anything…..but a student I.D card’, King mumbles out as he turns to face Maria, who was looking at him with a worried and meek look.

23 laughs again.

‘Yes that’s right King. I’ve been tracking you two by using the girl’s student card’s microchip’, 23 revealed, chuckling evilly.

Maria couldn’t believe it. She had led those brutes to them back at the cliff….. She had led the monster in front of her to King…..

‘It’s all my fault’, Maria mumbles, loud enough that King and 23 can catch it.

23 looks at her and laughs.

‘Yes, yes it is….’

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