Chapter 20.8

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Chapter 20.8


Even after Angela had left, Devan still stood rooted to his spot, completely stunned by the events that had just unfolded. It was only after Rick had come back to him, grabbed him by his right shoulder and pulled him about half way out of the courtyard did he finally let out a soft gasp before shaking his head to get out of his stunned state.

‘X…did she… just…?’, the stuttering voice of Devan’s actually amused Rick, who smirked slightly as he let go off Devan’s shoulder.

‘Yep’, was the blunt reply given to Devan from his partner who just kept walking, giving the other male no choice to follow him in a rather awkward stumbling motion.

‘But…why?!’, Devan asked in a louder tone as the shock from the suddenness of the kiss finally set in, only giving his partner a reason to break out into loud laughter as he looked back at him.

‘How the bloody hell should I know?!’, Rick gave Devan another one of his blunt answers as his laughter finally died down, wiping the tears that had formed at the corner of his eyes due to it.

But even though he had given an answer that would cause no further probing from Devan, Rick was having a gut feeling that was telling him he knew why the young vamp had kissed his clueless partner. And that though made Rick feel slightly sick, due to the fact it involved an emotion he was hoping he’d never have to deal with.

‘Ah well just forget it for now man. Let’s go for lu-‘

Just as Rick was about to finish his sentence, the sound of Devan’s phone ringing all of a sudden cause a soft groan to leave the male’s lips, knowing very well that this was definitely going to be something work related. Rick watched as Devan pulled out the small silver device, a similar groan leaving his lips when he reads through the new sent message from his father. After finishing he looks up at Rick, who was rubbing his temples as he shook his head.

‘Just…say it. Don’t sugar coat it…Just say it’, Rick mumbled out as he presses his palm against his face, letting his fingers grip on tightly to the sides of his face as Devan began to relay the message.

‘Well…He wants us to pack our gear and get back to the States. The Primera base to be exact’

The second King heard this a soft, relived sigh left his frowning lips which curved up into a small smile.

‘So…He wants us to come home huh?’, Rick voiced out, his tone now smoother and calmer at the thought of returning to a place he called his home.

‘Yeah…Home’, Devan replied to him, smiling as he watched a wide grin appear on Rick’s face before the male grabbed his arm and began to drag him towards the students parking lot.

‘Let’s go then!’

As the two made their way towards the car park, they had to pass through a large white marble building which housed the upper classmen’s science labs. And as the two walked past the large doors leading into the building, Rick’s brow rose in surprise. For in the lobby stood his mother, aunt, sisters, cousins, uncle and his father. Rick’s feet came to halt a few steps away from his mother, who was standing at the front of the group with a warm, loving smile plastered on her face. His eyes gazed into hers before narrowing slightly as they shifted over to the young blonde who was blushing furiously as she watched him.

‘Why...why did she have to tag along with em’, He thinks to himself before letting out a loud sigh as he looks back at his mother.

‘How did you know I was gonna be here?’

‘Not that difficult to figure you out…dumb older brother’, Rick growled in annoyance when his question was answered by his ‘loving’ twin sister, Helena, who had a soft smirk on her face as she watched Rick blow out some actual steam to calm his rage.

‘Nobody asked you my idiotic little sister!’, Rick snapped back at Helena before letting out a low groan when he felt the firm hand of Devan’s on his right shoulder.

‘X relax…They’re family…’, Devan whispered into Rick’s ear as he leaned closer to it, smiling slightly when he gets a small nod of agreement from him.

‘Yeah I know…Doesn’t mean all of em see me that way’

And it was true. As Rick’s eyes scanned through the faces of his family members he could see that there most of his sisters and cousins were happy to see him, except for Helena who was glaring lightly as she tried her best to avoid eye contact with her brother. But besides them, amongst the grownups it seemed that only his mom and aunt were glad that he was still in one piece, a clear look of dissatisfaction on his father’s face and an annoyed look on his uncle’s. But what was really causing Rick to feel disappointed was that a few face were missing amongst those there.

‘X…seems they really aren’t here’, Devan mumbles as he removes his hand from the red head shoulder, watching as he walked up to his mother.

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