Chapter 13.3

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Chapter 13.3 

Nightmare to reality

King was in a tough situation. Maria had completely broken down due to the shocking news she had just heard, making her more vulnerable than before. And to top it off, the fatigue from the day before was setting in, making him a bit sluggish as he fought back against 23.

‘What’s the matter boy? Getting tired’, 23 mocked King as he swiped his tail at his legs.

King jumps over the tail before slashing at 23’s chest, again hitting the scales. He strides back away from him, letting out an irritated huff.

‘Damn it….’, King cursed as he blocked a claw attack from 23 with the blade of Dentanas, kicking the blade to push 23 back

23 moves a couple of steps back, before looking at King. He let out another cruel laugh.

‘You seem a bit tired King…if you’re not careful, you’re gonna end up like that Captain of yours’, 23 said, letting out a mocking laugh when he saw the shocked and angry expression on King’s face

‘What did you do to Anna…’ King asked in a threating tone, anger boiling inside him

23 smirked as he watched King lose his cool, exactly as he had anticipated.

‘Oh, nothing really….just toyed with her’, 23 said mockingly, taunting the King to make him make a rash move.

And King did. The second he saw 23’s mocking smile, he knew he had hurt Anna. King let out a cry filled with anger as he charged straight at 23.

23 smiled when he saw that his plan had worked. He looked at King run at him, preparing to catch him with his tail. But then, his eye’s trailed up to the blonde girl who was covering by a pile a bunch of boulders. As he stared at her, a cruel idea popped into his head.

King was seeing red. He wasn’t thinking straight and was letting his temper control his movements, completely ignoring the little warning alarms that his brain was sending him. Little warning alarms that were trying to tell him that Maria was about to be put in danger cause of him.

‘ERRAGG!!’ King yelled as he swung Dentanas at 23 violently and recklessly, not even caring to pick a mark as the only though on his mind right now was killing the bastard one way or another.

The attack was too easy for 23 to predict. He caught the tip of Dentanas as King lunged it at him, pulling King towards him. He wrapped his tail around Kings right ankle when he pulled him in before swinging him into a tree, temporarily stunning the red head.

‘Heh…like a moth to a flame…’

He took one quick glance over his shoulder at King to make sure he had been immobilized for a while, before turning his attention back to Maria.  He slowly made his way over to her, knowing very well she wasn’t going to fight back.

‘Hello girly….remember me?’, 23 asked mockingly as he closed the distance between them.

Maria was still too stunned by the truth that Rick was a spy, completely ignoring 23, who was dangerously close now.

‘R...Rick...kun….can’t be….a…he…wouldn’t’, she stammered as 23 stood right in front of her, looking at her with his yellow reptilian eyes.

‘Looks like you’re still in shock. Too bad…I was hoping you at least would put up a fight, unlike the other blonde…..oh well’, 23 sighed, before pulling his arm, aiming his razor sharp claws at Maria.

‘Time to die girl…’, 23 hisses, before sending his hand down on her.

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