Chapter 18.8

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Chapter 18.8

Offend the master, offend the student

‘X calm down! It’s not worth it!’, Crown yelled at Rick, who gave a low, dangerous growl as he stared at his partner.

‘SHUT IT A.D! He’s tempting me! I’m gonna kill him. I SWEAR I’M GONNA KILL HIM!’, Rick replied, letting out a near inhuman roar as he snapped his jaws at Sevan.

‘Rick leave it man! We can’t risk killing him it’d cause the General’s plan to fail. We need him alive’, Crown reminded Rick in a soft, calming voice, the latter letting out a loud growl but calming down slightly.

‘My, my, don’t you have a short fuse. I was only stating the facts King’, Sevan continued to taunt King, knowing now that this was a small way he could get revenge for the humiliation he had suffered at the hands of the two young men.

The smirk on Sevan’s face grew as he watched Rick let out another low growl and snap his jaws at the older male again. It was amusing to Sevan. He was enjoying tormenting the young red head who could do nothing to retaliate even though he wanted to.

‘Yes my master. I remember that fool as being exactly as how you had described him. He and his family burnt well in that explosion we rigged on their convoy, didn’t they?’, Jun Hong added as the same look of amusement fell on to his face

‘Bloody hell! Don’t you dare speak about them! And you…you heartless bastard. I can accept the death of my brother and sister-in-law…But they’re children. Both of them were barely a year old…and you killed them. I swear on them I will KILL YOU SEVAN!’, Rick raged as he again tried to break out of Crown’s hold, being held back as he had before.

‘X that’s enough! Keep your cool!’, Crown shouted into Rick’s ear as he pushed his friend back.

Rick merely growled as Crown shouted at him, before raising a brow slightly as he glanced at his partner. There was something about the tone of his voice that seemed a bit off, almost as if it was none fitting to the calm and cool demeanor he had on.

‘Oi…Wha-‘, Rick was about to question Crown when he suddenly got cut off by the Lilim, Arisa

‘And of course he was nothing compared to our master. So weak and frail. He was a disgrace to the I.M have died so easily. He was a foo-‘

The sudden sound of metal piercing through  flesh and bone caused the Lilim to stop mid-sentence, her eyes widening as she looked at the female member next her choke out a dying gasp before falling forward, the blade of the tanto knife that had pierced her skull showing through the back of her head.

All eyes were now on the third dead member of The Order, completely stunned not only by the suddenness of the attack but also from the thrower of the knife.

Crown panted slightly as he stayed in the half turned position he was in, his hand still stretched out and aiming at the now vacant spot in The Order’s party.

‘If you really thought….I was going to let you run your mouth forever then you’re the biggest fool that I have ever faced’, Crown said as he stepped away from his stunned partner, turning to face the equally stunned Sevan.

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