Chapter 9.6

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Chapter 9.6

Counter move

King knew something was up. There was no way that was all the strength 23 had.

‘What is he planning…..’, King wondered, applying more pressure to push 23 back, edging closer to the edge as he did.


King heard the battle cry of Maria, glancing to the left to see the blonde bombshell charging into the fight.

‘What the fuck is she doing!?’

King was dumbfounded, almost to the point that he lost his grip on Dentanas. Why was Maria rushing into the fight all of a sudden? He was stuck in a deadlock, he couldn’t help her if she got into trouble. And King knew she was in trouble, cause he could see 23’s tail moving from side to side behind him. King had to stop her.


‘NO! I CAN TAKE HIM!’, Maria yelled as she raised Calctus, still unaware of 23’s deadly tail.


King was starting to get desperate. He put more pressure into pushing 23 down, but the large beast man countered it with his own strength making it impossible for King to break the deadlock.

‘SHUT UP KING! I CAN DO IT!’, Maria yelled, a slight amount of irritation in her voice as she felt King was looking down on her again.

King’s worry began to intensify when he saw 23’s tail was twitching violent.


‘Wha….’, Maria slowed down as she heard King’s words. A trap? It was then that Maria remembered 23’s tail. She looked at it and realized 23 still had full control over it.

‘Shit….how could I have forgot about it…I’m so stup….. Wait a minute, did King call me Maria?’

Maria immediately stopped in her tracks when she finally processed what King said. But it was too late for she was already within reach of 23’s tale.

23’s lips contorted into a cruel smile as he whipped his tale at Maria, who was still stunned by The King’s words. This time he hit her at the chest with a force that was enough to fling her towards the cliff edge.

Maria was immediately knocked out by the impact from the tail hitting her chest. She was lucky as it could have defiantly done more damage. Even in her unconscious state, Maria could feel her body being flung into the air. As her mind began to shut down, she could only curse herself for being so stupid. She should have trusted King. She should have…..


King watched as Maria was flung towards the cliff. At the speed she was going, she was defiantly going to tumble of the edge. And to make matters worse, she was out cold. The next few minutes would decide Maria’s fate. King had to do something. He had to save her.

But there was a big problem standing in his way. 23 was still holding the deadlock, but had moved slightly so that King would have a good view of Maria’s end.

‘What’s the matter King…..can’t you save her? If this keeps up, she’s defiantly going to die’, 23 mocked the King, smiling as he did.

‘Damn it! You fucked up bastard!’, King cried in anger, increasing the force on his swords, trying his best  to break free.

But the size and strength difference was making it hard for The King. There was no way in hell he could over power this guy with pure strength now that 23 was finally fighting back.

‘Think King! Think!.....’, King could see Maria’s limp body rolling towards the edge, closing the distance to a few meters.

‘Damn it! She’s going to fall if i……Wait a minute. FALL! That’s it!’, King thought.

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