Chapter 19.1

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Chapter 19.1


‘No…It can’t be…I was so close too’

Angela soft mumbling could be heard by Crown as he and Rick began to walk away from the main courtyard. It had been mere minutes since the two had delivered their message to Sevan and since Crown had gotten his first glimpse of the vampire Sting, who had turned out to be Angela Lockhart.

But even as they walked along the line of students towards the path way, Crown couldn’t help but grimace slightly as he heard the mumbling and sniffling from the vampire, Angela Lockhart. There was a small stinging sensation in his chest every time he took a quick glance back at her kneeling form.

‘A.D….Just leave it. It’s for her own good’, Rick finally voiced out his feelings after he had caught Crown glancing back for the fifth time in the few steps they had taken.

It was clear to Rick that Crown now felt he was some how responsible for Angela's despair. He knew it the second he saw Crown’s reaction when he first caught a glimpse of the vampire. But what he was uncertain of was whether Crown knew he had this connection with the vampire. After all, his partner maybe a genius tactician but he was terrible with his own emotions and reading the emotions of others. It had taken Crown 4 whole years to figure Rick out when it had only taken Rick one. So now as he watched the worried face of his partner turn to him, he knew he had to steer Crown’s attention away from Angela before something bad happened to him.

‘But X…Look at her man. She’s broken down…And its cause of me man. I did this’, Crown replied to Rick in a voice that was filled with guilt and sadness.

Rick narrowed his eyes at Crown, before placing a firm hand on his shoulder.

‘No mate. You weren’t the one who blew her cover. I was. I’m responsible for the state she’s in now so I’ll fix it later on ok? You don’t need to worry about this, I got it’, he reassured him before patting his shoulder lightly.

Crown looked into Rick’s eyes as he spoke, a relived smile forming on his face when he saw the truth in them. He knew his partner wasn’t the type of guy who liked to talk things out. But he knew when he could see the sparkle when he promises something, he’d keep to it.

‘Damn…Why do I always give in to him?’, Rick thinks to himself, before letting out a defeated mental sigh when he sees the look of appreciation on Crown’s face.

The killer hated dealing with people, women especially. He hated to work out problems or console people for the very simple fact that he didn’t want to take on the extra burden. But he knew if he left this Crown-Angela situation like it was, then he would never be able to find out the sublime link that was set when the two saw each other. Rick was curious to find out because he felt that it would benefit Crown in some way. So the only way he could do it was to keep that bloody vampire close to him so she could stay close to Crown. Once that was done, time and fate would do the rest.

‘Just hope she doesn’t give me too much trouble…like always’, the young red thinks to himself as he turns around and walks back towards the vampire, shaking his head lightly as he could not believe she was still in state of shock.

It didn’t make sense to him. Why would someone be so disheartened and broken when they had just been saved from being linked to those bastards from The Order? What was the reason that Angela was so keen on being undercover in The Order’s HQ?

‘That’s what I’m going to find out’, Rick mumbles as he stalks back towards Angela

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