Chapter 6.1

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Chapter 6.1

The Takeshi and Hagenai house hold

‘We’re back!’, Maria yelled as the girls walked into their home.

Their home, the Rinzo estate named after their Great Grandfather, was built on a space that could fit at least a small town. They had a huge pool, a magnificent garden, a golfing area and an all-purpose gym amongst many other things. Their house was a grand mansion, with more than 30 rooms to accommodate their large family.

‘Ah, girls welcome home’, their mothers, Mitsuko Haganei and Kinuyo Takeshi, who were both Ladies of The Legion, , greeted them as the girls entered the second story family hall.

‘Mom, Kinuyo-Obasan! Guess what, we finally got our first mission!’, Maria said as she sat down on the couch next to her mother and aunt.

‘Yeah Mom and we got promoted to Rank E’, Sayuri said, as the four showed off their armbands.

‘Really!? Oh we’re so happy for you girls! Your Fathers will be so proud’, Mitsuko a woman with dark blue shoulder length hair and hazel brown eyes, said.

‘Yes they will be. Right then, to celebrate lets go out to Tohoshiro’s restaurant tonight!’, Kinuyo, a women with long red hair and blue eyes, added, to which the girls replied for by letting out a cheer.

‘And what seems to be the commotion here’, came a voice from behind.

The girls and their mothers turned to see their grandfather, Masanori Rinzo, a man who had silver hair which he combed back and dark blue eyes walking into the room, followed by his son and son-in-law, the girls’ fathers. His son, Akihiko Takeshi, had light brown hair which he combed back giving him a more sophisticated look and light blue eyes. His son-in-law, Kaede Haganei, had dark blue hair which he combed into a comb over. All three of them were Lords of The Legion.

‘Ojisan the girls have wonderful news’.

‘Ojiisan, Dad, Akihiko-Ojisan….We got… selected for a mission’, Maria said, slightly fearful of what her father’s and uncle’s reaction would be.

‘Yeah…and we…got promoted to…Rank E’, Ryoko added.

‘Really?! Good to hear girls, good to hear. You’re doing our family name proud’, Masanori said, happy and proud at his granddaughters’ achievements.

But his sons weren’t as pleased or happy as him.

‘Father don’t praise the girls too much, this is but a small step on their path’, Akihiko said, the looks on both his and his brother’s face still remaining stern.

‘That’s right father, this is not something so grand. When we were their age we had already taken part in at least 50 missions’, Kaede said, a proud look appearing on his face when he thought about his glory days.

‘Yes and if I remember correctly, for most of those missions, me and Kinuyo were the ones that were part of the field squad while you two were sitting in the command office’, Mitsuko replied calmly, making her husband’s and brother-in-law’s faces turn red, which made the girls giggle softly.

‘Yes and I also remembered that the few times that you were out on the field, either me, Mitsuko or Anandan had to constantly save you from danger’, Kinuyo added, a cheeky look on her face.

But it was true. Among Maria’s and Helena’s parents, the women were usually the ones who were stronger. When their parents were still on active duty, both the wives were part of the field unit and were the ones that saw the most action. They were feared as one of the strongest pair in the I.M at the time and the only person who was stronger was G. Anandan, the girls’ uncle. Their fathers on the other hand were mostly part of the command unit which stayed at base and gave orders and thought of attack plans. They were reputably two of the best tacticians the I.M had, but again lost the top spot to their friend Anandan. Even in terms of fighter rank, both Mitsuko and Kinuyo were ranked 7 and 6 while Kaede and Akihiko were ranked 10 and 8.

‘Well…yes. But we did our part in the war as well’.

‘Of course you did dear’, Mitsuko said, a slight amount of sarcasm in her words.

‘Now we’ll be going to Tohoshiro’s later to celebrate and you two are following no matter what…. I suggest you go get ready’, Kinuyo ordered.

‘……Hmm, very well. I guess it is a good reason for a celebration, we’ll go get ready then’, Mitsuko said as he and his brother turned to leave.

Even though it wasn’t that big deal to them, it was still a something their daughters had achieved and that made them feel proud. After all they were their daughters.

‘All right girls you heard me, go get ready and we’ll go’.

‘This is great it’s been so long since we went to Tohoshiro’s, I hope they still serve their famous ramen!’, Elisa said as the girls got up.

‘Yes me too…… I’m just happy we’re going out as a family after so long’, Masanori said, hinting it towards his son and son-in-law who were leaving the room, who didn’t show any reaction to their father’s words.

‘But Ojiisan…..we’re not a complete family if Rick-Onii-san and the rest aren’t here….Oops!’, Megumi started, stopping when she realized she had said something she was not supposed to say.

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