Chapter 12.2

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  • Dedicated to Wei Jian

Chapter 12.2


The Skyline Black Hawk version 2. A revamp of the original black hawk helicopter. Built to be stealthier but still pack the massive punch its predecessor could, it is the all-rounder that the I.M troops had fallen in love with over the years. Especially the boys from Taskforce 666.

‘Alright team! We’re almost at the road which The Order convoy is supposed to be on. Prep up and get ready for a fight! Remember….No fear.’ A tall, well-built male, who had brown eyes and black hair, which was in a slicked back style, said to his group of 8 soldiers who were seated in the docking bay of the Black hawk as he stood at the front of the helicopter.

All of the soldiers had on a black colored military top, with dark grey bullet proof vests, elbow guards and gloves, along with black military pants and boots. All of them had flags of different countries sewn onto the right arm of their uniforms, some had British, American, Japan, etc. But above the flags, they all had the same Taskforce 666 insignia sewn on, showing the link between them.

‘Yes sir!’ The Taskforce soldiers replied before going about to check their equipment and the equipment of their teammates.

‘All right!’, the guy at the front cheered inwardly.

‘Prowl, we got visual’, the pilot of the black hawk told Prowl, who walked over to the side door on the right and pulled it open to see a row of trucks driving along the tar and dirt road.

‘Bloody hell! That idiot guessed right’, Prowl mumbled, mostly to himself, as he turned back to face the cockpit.

‘Keep following them. Maintain some distance though…. don’t want to spook the chickens’, Prowl told the pilot, mocking The Order troops in the process as well.

‘Hahaha….sure thing Prowl’, the pilot laughed out loudly after hearing Prowl’s comment, before answering him with a confident smile.

After giving the pilot a quick three finger salute, Prowl returned to the docking bay. He quickly looked over the soldiers, who were now ready and waiting, before he spotted the man he was looking for.

The guy Prowl was looking at was huge. He stood at least 2 meters tall and had a very muscular build. He had dark brown eyes, tanned skin and his hair was cut in the style of a short Mohawk. The big man was leaning against the hard metallic side of the helicopter with his eyes shut, taking a small nap before the impending fight.

‘Tank! We rollin!’, Prowl shouted to the guy who was resting at the end of the docking bay.

For a few seconds it seemed as though Tank had not caught Prowl’s words. When Prowl was about to call out to him again Tank’s eyes shot open, startling the three guys in front of him.

‘About time’, Tank mumbled as he got up, picking up his Heavy Machine Gun (HMG) which was beside him before walking towards Prowl.

As Tank made his way through the walkway with his Gatling 298 HMG, between the two lines of seats on either side of the Black Hawk, the soldiers instinctively scooted back. It wasn’t because Tank was a scary guy, in fact he was more of a big teddy bear when he wasn’t in the battlefield and everybody was cool with him. No, the main reason was respect. And Tank deserved every amount of their respect. After all, he was known as the second strongest man in the universe.

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