Chapter 12.1

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Chapter 12.1

Chase begins

Since taking over the Cosmos jungle, The Order had constructed many hidden and secluded paths for their troops to move along. These were mostly built to confuse the I.M satellites reading systems, make them useless in picking up the exact amount of troops that moved to and from the base. And also to make a quick getaway incase a certain red head decided to launch an attack against the base.

So now, along the most hidden road, a convoy of 4 black and green colored trucks rode in a single line. The thick branches and vines overhead would make it near impossible for any satellite to pick up their signature. Also the scrambling wires intertwined in them would be pretty helpful as well.

The trucks drove at a rather rushed speed, the crew within on constant guard for a sudden ambush. The cargo they were carrying was, after all, very important and losing it would mean a cruel and merciless punishment from their superior officer Arisa, who had decided not to tag along on the mission, preferring to get her beauty sleep instead. So in her place Sevan had sent Sting, the cold and mysterious vampire.

The troops didn’t trust her much though, due to the fact she liked to hide herself, behind a red and white mask and long black cloak she always wore, from people and the fact that there was no information about her at all. But they did give her the respect she deserved as a Tyrant of The Order, (calling her ‘Miss or ‘Sama’ when addressing her) although it was mostly because she was known to suck anybody who disrespected her dry of blood.

‘Miss Sting, we’re almost at the safe zone. Just a couple of more miles’, the truck driver of the first truck, which was the one Sting was riding in, informed her.

‘……Then stop talking and keep driving…’, Sting replied, rudely, turning to give the driver an angry stare that was even able to pierce through her mask.

‘Ye…yes miss’, the driver stuttered out before turning his attention back to the road.

‘Seriously’, Sting huffed out before leaning her head against the left side window and folding her arms under her breast, letting out a loud, irritated sigh before looking at the small digital clock on the trucks dashboard. The clock read 7.40 am, Jan 23. After the quick time check, Sting closed her eyes and let out a soft sigh.

While she listened to the hum of the truck’s engine, Sting let her mind drift for a while, recollecting some of her past memories. It had been almost two years since she joined The Order. Two long, nightmarish year which she wished she had never had to go through. Contrary to everyone’s belief, Sting was not a cruel, merciless killer. In fact she hated killing and detested it when she had to watch the rest of the Tyrants have their live executions in front of the masses. But she was putting up with it for one reason and one reason only……Revenge! Sweet, beautiful revenge. Which she was sure she would be getting soon.

*whop, whop, whop*

‘Hmm….What the hell is that sound?’

Sting snapped out of her thoughts when her super human hearing picked out a strange faint, dull, metallic sound. It was coming from the left side of the truck which confused the vampire even more….since they were now driving beside an open canyon with a 1000 meter drop.

Sting sat up straight and concentrated on it more. The sound was very familiar to her. It almost sounded like two flimsy steel sheets being rubbed against each other. Sting closed her eyes and focused all her concentration on it, completely shutting herself off from everything else. It was then that she was able to recognize that it was the sounds of a helicopter’s blade.

‘Shit!’, Sting exclaimed as she rolled down the window and peaked her head out of the moving truck. She frantically looked to the back, shocked to see a Black Hawk helicopter flying behind the convoy of trucks and quickly gaining up on them. It had the I.M logo printed on the right side.

‘Dammit! How the hell did they find us!?’, Sting cursed as she moved her upper half back into the truck, grabbing the on board radio with her right hand as she did. Sting brought the radio receiver up to her mouth, screaming in the order when it was half way there…

‘To all drivers! Stop your trucks immediately! We are being followed by an I.M helicopter! Soldiers! Prepare for a skirmish! Sting, out!’, Sting yelled into the microphone.

Immediately after giving the order she jumped out of the truck, which had now come to a stop, grabbing a UMP sub machine gun which was on her right for protection, although it was highly unlikely she would need it.

‘I’m really not in the mood for this’, Sting mumbled as she cocked her sub machine gun.

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