Chapter 7.7

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Chapter 7.7

Conflict of feelings and the begin of the Hunt

‘Well how did it go?’, Rose asked as Maria walked back into the tent.

They had decided to leave the two of them alone after they had been found out, afraid that King might vent his rage on them. They were tempted to go back a few times but had chosen to play it safe and wait. So now that Maria had come back, they were eager to know what happened.

‘…..I was wrong’, Maria said.

‘I knew it! I knew you would show him for the asshole he…….Wait, did you say you were wrong?!’, Elisa asked, stunned by Maria’s previous answer.

‘Yes….I. Was. Wrong..’, Maria repeated, slowly this time so the other three could catch it.

 The girls were all in shock. Maria just admitted she was wrong. She was never wrong or at least wouldn’t admit it so easily.

‘You were wrong?’, Helena repeated Maria’s words.

‘Yes…..i was wrong’, Maria said for the third time as she put on a fitting Rakkenhima P.E shirt and shorts, similar to what the other three were wearing.

‘So he’s not a lying, cheating bastard….’, Helena said, starting to become a bit cocky.

‘No……he’s ok, I guess’.

‘So I was right?’.

‘Yes Helena-chan… were right’.

‘Hell yeah!’, Helena cheered.

Helena started doing a little victory dance around the tent. It had been a long time since she had been able to prove Maria wrong, so she was definitely going to savior the moment. Maria started getting a little irritated, so she threw her pillow at Helena. Helena saw it coming and dodge not realizing Rose was behind her. The pillow hit Rose in the face knocking her back. After Rose recovered, she picked up her own pillow and prepared to strike.

‘PILLOW FIGHT!’, Elisa yelled charging into the fray with a pillow of her own.

The following minutes were filled with mindless swing of pillows, shrill laughter and friendly takedowns. For those few moments the girls forgot all the stress from their mission and enjoyed the pillow fight to hearts content. They swung their pillows at each other playfully, with the occasional pulling of another clothes and nip slips in between. They laughed and screamed till they became exhausted, lying down next to each other and laughing softly.

‘That was fun’, Elisa said. She was lying down in the opposite direction of Maria and their heads were side by side. Helena laid to her left while Rose was lying on Maria’s right.

‘Yeah…it was’, Maria exclaimed while catching her breath.

‘We got to do this with the younger ones when we get back’, Rose said, putting her badly beaten pillow under her head.

‘Alright…… but for now its best we get some sleep, we don’t want to be tired for the fight in front of us’, Helena said, moving herself closer to Elisa.

‘Yeah you’re right Helena-chan…..Well then goodnight’, Maria said, to which the girls replied with ‘goodnights’ of their own.

As the girls fell asleep, Maria mind started to wander back to her talk with The King.

‘…..maybe you should try talking to him’, King’s words echoed in her head.

Maria thought about talking to Rick. What would she say to him? What would he give as a reply? Would he feel the same way? Would he reject her? All these questions began buzzing in her head.

 As she thought deeper, she started to drift off. As she was about to be embraced by sleep, she stated thinking about Rick. She ran the usual scenario she runs when she is about to fall into slumber. Maria in Rick’s arms, kissing him lightly on the lips, Rick holding her tightly around the waist and having her arms around his shoulder as they kissed in front of a beautiful sunset.

 But something was different this time. This time Rick didn’t have black hair but instead had red hair. And he had on a pair of sunglasses. Maria pulled away from the man in front of her to realize she was kissing The King.

Maria’s woke up startled. She looked around the tent to see that it was pitch black. She was sweating heavily and breathing hard.

‘What was that all about…..’, She thought as she recollected her dream.

Why had she been kissing The King instead of Rick? She loves Rick after all and would never ever dream about being with another man. But yet even as she lay back on the sleeping bag, she couldn’t get The King of her mind. For some strange reason every time she tried to picture Rick, The King’s face appeared.

Maria was starting to get worried.

‘Is my love for Rick wavering? No…it can’t be’, she thought as tears formed in her eyes.

‘No! I love Rick and Rick only…..I just must be tired…… that why I’m confusing him with King’, Maria reassured herself as she wiped away her tears and closed her eyes.

‘I love Rick…..I love Rick…..I love Rick….’

Maria repeated her self-made mantra to herself quietly and as she did, Rick face appeared in her mind as sleep started to take over her again. Maria smiled to herself and went back to sleep, this time reenacting the scene from before with the right man.

King walked out of the command tent to return to his own tent. He had just been briefed on his role for the mission and the overall layout of the mission.  King’s role in tomorrow’s mission would be rather laid back, it was after all mainly to test the new soldiers’ abilities. He’d only have to intervene if the situation got serious otherwise he would be waiting back at a cliff to the south of the base, overlooking the base itself.

‘Doesn’t seem too serious…..Hope the new guys don’t mess up’.

As King walked back to his tent, he thought he saw something moving through the thick group of trees on his left. He paused and glanced in that direction, but couldn’t see anything due to the darkness of the night. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath, feeling his surroundings. It was very faint, but he was sure he could feel an aura of some sorts coming from the jungle moving away from the camp and going further in. King knew there would be no point trying to chase it down, so he didn’t. But he made a mental note of the shape of the aura so he could kill whoever it was if they met again. King opened his eyes and as he did, he smiled a devious and cruel smile.

‘Oorah…..let the hunt begin.’

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