Chapter 3.3

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Chapter 3.3

King's intervention

King watched as the Giga soldiers sensory and power lights flickered out. The sight of the panicking soldiers made his blood rush from excitement. He did not want to waste any more time.

‘Forbidden move…...shadowport’.

As a swirl of black mist gathered around him King merged with the shadows and moved towards the soldiers. He made his way to the center and manifested himself. Before the soldiers could identify him, he began slashing through them. He cut off the heads of three of them using Excalibur and killed another four with Dentanas. As he did a malicious grin began to spread across his face. He loved the sight of carnage.

The soldiers began to panic as they saw this apparition of death cutting down their comrades. A few of them were able to recuperate and began firing at King. But it was in vain as fear still gripped them. King was able to easily dodge the bullets and began aiming for the shooters.

‘These guy are too easy to kill. I might not even need to use my forbidden moves’, King thought as he plunged Dentanas into the chest of another soldier and used Excalibur to take down one that was trying to run,

Suddenly a blast of pure energy came in King’s direction. He was just barely able to dodge it as it ripped a hole into the ground.

The shot came from one of the remaining Giga soldiers. King could see that the other one was preparing a shot as well.

‘Oh ya, I forget about these two. Better take them out before they become a nuisance’, King thought.

He used his forbidden move, Shadowport, to get to the top of the first Giga.

‘Right lets take a look inside the big bastard…… Elemental move….Freeze’.

Once King said these words, an ice beam shot out of his palm and onto the surface of the Giga’s shoulder where King was standing. The parts that were hit by the beam froze immediately. King used his foot to break through the frozen armor and hopped into the core area of the Giga.

‘Crown I’m in the core area of one of the Gigas. I need you to help me rewire it’, King asked his partner, who had gone silent so as to not distract his friend during the fight.

‘Ok if that’s the case plug your PAPD into the core. I’ll do it from the chopper’, Crown orderd as he began turning on his hacking equipment and wirelessly connecting it to King’s PAPD.

‘Why not just tell me what to do’, King questioned as he plugged his PAPD into the Giga’s core.

‘Remember what happened the last time you needed to hack into something manually’, Crown reminded King, causing him to cringe slightly from thinking about that moment.

‘Alright I’m in. Rewriting the program….right I’m done. You got complete control of the Giga now. Use your PAPD to control it. If there are any problems just ask’, Crown said as he loaded the last of the control encryptions.

‘You’re the best Crown. Right I think I can kill two birds with one stone’, King replied enthusiastically as he climbed back out.


 King ported himself back to the battlefield.

In the time he had gone, the soldiers had reorganized themselves and had also decided that the best option was to retreat. King saw this and a cruel smile came to his face. He waited until the soldiers were near the Giga that was all the way at the back.

‘Right......this is gonna be good’, King smiled, cruely, as he used his PAPD to turn the controlled Gigas weapons towards the other Giga.

As the soldiers got closer he fired the weapons.

The Giga at the back was hit by a barrage of missiles and bullets and the core exploded causing it to break into two. The top half fell on to the soldiers and a good number of them were flattened. They remaining soldiers were trapped between a wall of fire and a blood thirsty monster. The fear rose in them as they knew their time was near.

The King watched as the Giant fell. The soldiers that were near it were crushed and the few remaining survivors began to break out into panic again. King counted about 90 remaining soldiers.

‘Not much left. Better end this quick’.

King rushed towards the remaining soldiers, twin swords in hand. A few of the braver ones had pulled out their melee weapons as well and were making a last ditch attempt at taking him down.

But it was all useless. They weren’t well trained in close quarter combat like King and were quickly taken down by him. King admired their bravery and decided to give them swift deaths, aiming for their heads instead of mutilating them like the rest.

To the rest of the cowards that were running away, King was not so nice. He went in smoothly and aimed at dismembering them piece by piece. Their cries of pain and agony drove him into a blood lust as each kill got bloodier and bloodier. By the time he finished they had been reduced to mere piles of meat lying in huge pools of bloods. King looked on as the bloodlust, anger and killing intent in him cooled down and his senses returned. He saw the last remaining Giga standing in the middle of the bloodied battlefield. He took out his PAPD and after a moment of hesitation, hit the self-destruct button. The mechanical giant’s core burst and it fell, and with it the curtains on this battle.

‘Game….set….match….That’s one for the books, ain’t it King’, Crown said to King.

‘…Hell yeah’.

Back on the Garan, Captain Fujimori Damien looked on as The King destroyed his troops. The thought that his well thought plans were foiled by one teenage soldier drove him into rage. His crews’ moral had also hit rock bottom. They all looked on as the last Giga soldier fell and The King stood triumphant yet again.

'Captain Fujimori, we just got word from headquarters. We are to retreat immediately before the I.M finds us out’, the second in command Lieutenant, Tie Lenard, told him as the main screen flickered and turned black.

‘I see. Guess they feel that we messed up enough. Call whatever remaining ground forces we have back’, the Captain ordered as he began walking out of the bridge, Lieutenant Lenard following behind.

‘Sir about today…..It was an unfortunate turn of events but let me reassure you that none of us feel that you made a bad call’, Lenard said as she followed him.

‘I know Lieutenant. But I’m sure that’s not how our superiors will see it. No, today was a failure and I will accept whatever punishment they will give me’, Fujimori replied as he opened the door to his quarters.

‘I leave command in your hands. I do not want to be disturbed so please try not to bother me. That is all’, he muttered before closing the door, leaving the Lieutenant standing in the walk way wondering what was going to happen once they got back to the mainland.

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