Chapter 18.9

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Chapter 18.9


Sevan stood rooted to his spot as he watched the young male turn towards him. He was not surprised that Crown had retaliated. No, what surprised Sevan was that he was unable to anticipate the attack. Even though it had been so sudden Sevan’s heightened senses should have been able to catch his movements. But in this case he wasn’t. All he felt before Crown had thrown the knife was an empty void, like the aura of the male had completely disappeared of the face of the earth.


The sudden shout from the leader of 666 snapped Sevan out of his thoughts as he instinctively turned to face him, a look of intrigue and wonder on his face.

It was clear to everyone there that Crown was furious. There was dangerous glint in his eyes as well as a deadly yet silent aura surrounding him, barely being felt but still sending a cold chill down the spines of everyone gathered there.

‘Sevan! I tried my best to keep my cool but you pushed me to my limit. Now let you tell you this and you better listen to it and remember it. You can talk shit about me. You can talk shit about X. You can even talk shit about 666. But don’t you ever! I mean EVER…talk shit about Captain Jay Takeshi. He was one of the best there ever was or ever will be and paved the way for guys like me, King, Cage, Prowl and Block. So show him the respect he deserves….Am. I. Clear?’

Sevan could do nothing but stare at the young brown skinned male, giving him a slight nod as the pressure from his sudden intense aura was too much even for a seasoned fighter like him. His group of followers where in an even worse state, some of them close to breaking down with fear others barely standing due to the pressure.

And it wasn’t just The Order who was put into this stunned state. Arthur, Emilie, Kinuyo, Akihiro, Kaede, Mitsuko and the rest of the Legion members and students were in an equally stunned state, unable to move even a muscle as the pressure was too great on them.

The only man who seemed to be immune to this overwhelming aura, was the young red head Rick Takeshi. He watched Crown intently before tapping the right shoulder of his enraged partner, knowing it was now his turn to calm his partner.

‘Dev…Calm down’, Rick said softly in a tone which seemed more befitting for Crown then the cold, blooded killer.

When Crown didn’t respond, Rick let out a loud sigh as he walked up behind his partner. His gaze was fixed on the back of Crown’s head as he swiftly slid his arms under his partner’s underarms, pulling them up and pressing his hands against the back of Crown’s head to put him in a reverse double arm lock.

The shock from being put into the hold was enough to snap Crown out of his highly defensive state, the young male thrashing around in his partner’s lock being watched by everyone as he tried to break free.

‘X! What the hell?!’, He cried as he squirmed and thrashed about, failing to break out of the hold which Rick had effectively locked in.

‘Calm down Ni-‘, Rick started but was cut off by Crown just as he was about to say the 'word'.

‘If you want me to keep calm, don’t finish that sentence!’, Crown warned, letting out a huff when he heard Rick chuckling behind him.

‘Alright, alright. You calm yet?’, Rick asks as he begins to slowly loosen his grip on Crown.

‘Yeah I am…Now let go’, Crown huffed as he pulled away from Rick, rubbing his right shoulder which was slightly sore due to the strain Rick had put on it.

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