Chapter 13.8

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Chapter 13.8


The two continued their hike back to the L.Z. As they did, Maria’s mind wandered back to the fight. She tensed up when she remembered what 23 had told her. If Rick truly was a spy, then he would be executed for high treason.

‘No…I can’t let that happen’, Maria though as she shook her head.

King glanced back at her, shaking his head when he saw that the lizard man’s word’s had taken a very negative effect on her.

‘You thinking about him Tit’s? About this Rick guy?’, King asked as he moved a few low branches out of their way.

‘Um…yes’, Maria answered as she followed closely.

‘You know if what that bastard said is true I’m gonna have to tell the Legion, right?’ King let out a loud sigh as they came on to a less dense path.

‘Um…I know’, Maria replied as she hung her head, tears starting to form at the corner of her eyes.

The two continued to walk in silence for a while, before King started hearing sniffling sounds from Maria. He let out another loud sigh, before looking back at her.

‘Of course is someone where able to get proof that he’s not a spy or making him surrender willingly, his sentence would be reduced or he can be proven innocent….understand where I’m coming from Tit’s’, King asked as a small smile formed on his face.

It took a minute for her to process King’s words, but when she did Maria jumped on him and hugged him again.

‘Thank you King! Thank you so much!’, Maria thanked him as she pressed herself against him.

‘Hey! Get off me!’, King yelled as they kept walking

‘Alright load up onto the choppers! We’re heading home!’, Lieutenant Jacobs yelled to his men you were standing in front of him.

It had been an hour since the party had reached the L.Z and the extraction unit had just arrived after going to their base site from the day before to collect the bodies of the dead.

It had been a tough two day for the troops. The hike through jungle and the devastating attack had already dampened their morals. But to mind nothing at the base made them feel as if their efforts and the loss of their friends had all been meaning less. So now, as they loaded up on their respective helicopters, they began to pour out the frustration, either through anger or depression.

But there was one team, who were still keeping their hopes up.

‘Dammit! Where is she?’, Helena questioned as she paced around the small clearing they were at.

‘I’m not sure Helena-chan…..Maybe they got lost’, Rose guessed as she sat on a fallen tree trunk with Geo resting on her lap.

‘I’m starting to get worried…..’, Elisa whined as she stood beside Rose.

‘You don’t need to worry girls…she’ll be fine’, a gruff reassuring voice said.

The girls turned to see Captain Gordon Ryder walk out from behind a few trees.

‘Sir!’, the girls saluted before Ryder waved his hand to tell them to be at ease.

‘At ease girls….worried about your squad leader?’, Ryder asked as he walked up beside Helena, folding his arms and looking out at the tree line once he did.

‘Y…yes sir…’, Helena answered as she followed his gaze.

Ryder continues staring at the tree line, almost if as he was waiting. He smiles softly.

‘You don’t need to, she’s in good hands’, Ryder reassured Helena.

As Ryder finishes his sentence, as if on cue, to figures appear from the tree line. Ryder smiles as he sees the red head and blonde walking towards them.

‘SIR!’, King shouts to Ryder as he and Maria get closer.

‘MARIA-CHAN!’, Helena shouts as she, Rose and Elisa run over and hug her.

‘Whoa! Easy girls. I’m alright’. Maria reassures them as she hugs them back, watching King walk up to Ryder as she does.

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