Chapter 3.1

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Chapter 3.1


‘King you need to hurry up man. Rakkenhima High is in big trouble’.

‘Personally, I don’t give a damn. I’m only doing this cause it was a request from the general’, King replied to his friend, Crown, through the headset, racing across the top of buildings as he made his way to the now under siege Rakkenhima High school.

‘Yeah, Yeah. Whatever the case it seems that The Order didn’t send a big group this time. The satellite drone picked up the signals of about 900 soldiers and a Giga soldier….. Should be a piece of cake for you’ Crown said as he looked through the laptop on his lap, the dull noise of the helicopter’s rotor distracting him slightly

‘Don’t get to cocky Crown. Knowing the guy who sent them I doubt that’s it’, King said as he leaped across two buildings, over a small water tower and onto the roof of a three story house. He was about 30 minutes away from the School.

‘Yeah, your right. Besides you still haven’t gotten there so we don’t know the true outlook of this skirmish’, Crown replied.

King kept the steady pace of crossing the high roof tops. He could make out the school in the distance, the only buildings in the space of a 30 km radius. He also saw a towering figure approaching the school.

‘Been a while since I faced one of those bastards’, King thought as he pushed up his sunglasses that had slipped down slightly.

‘King we got a problem’, Crown suddenly said, causing King to slow his pace slightly.

‘What is it’?

‘The 4th year students of Rakkenhima are fighting against the Order Troops’.

‘As if I didn’t have a big enough headache. What the hell do those idiots think they are doing?’, King asked, irritation building up inside of him.

‘I’m not sure man. But whatever it is their doing it…..pretty well! They’re actually pushing the enemy back. Dude! This is amazing! I didn’t think they could pull it off’, Crown answered, enthusiasm and excitement in his voice.

As King watched from a distance, he saw the lumbering Giga soldier getting hit with a barrage of attacks from four female students. King immediately recognized them as Team Infinity. He could also see the rest of the students pushing the Order Troops to a retreat.

‘Hmm….They’re not half bad. Still got room for a lot of improvement though, but still not half bad’, King thought.

‘Right, they managed to push The Order Troops back. Also they seem to have not taken casualties. Huh, guess they didn’t need you this time man. You can return to base’, Crown said over the comms.

‘Hold up Crown. I have a feeling that it’s not over yet’, King replied as he watched the students celebrate their victory. He had a feeling that it was going to be a short lived one though.

Off the coast of Tenno, near some island, a group of about five Order naval ships lay hidden. On the flag ship, the Garan, the commander of the attack against Rakkenhima looked on at the live feed he was getting from the battlefield on the main screen on the control deck.

Even though The Order force outnumbered the students, the Rakkenhima students were still able to stop them. Or at least the first wave.

The commander in charge, Captain Fujimori Damien saw the last of his first wave troops retreat from Rakkenhima. Everybody on the ship showed signs of disappointment, anger and shock as they expected the first line to finish the job. But not the Captain. His faced showed a look of happiness and satisfaction. This was noticed by his second in command, Lieutenant Tie Lenard.

‘Sir you seem rather happy that our first line was defeated by a bunch of teenagers’, Lieutenant Lenard commented, a sense of forced calmness yet trust in her words.

‘Well they were only sent as a test, to see if these students would fit our new plan to win the war…… And apparently they do. So yes I am happy’, Captain Fujimori replied, a slightly wicked smile forming on his face.

‘But of course it won’t be fun to just leave at this. It’s far too early to just give up.’

‘What are your orders Sir’, Lieutenant Lenard questioned. Knowing her superiors record of being a sadist she more or less knew what he would want though.

‘Send in another wave. This time triple the amount. And also send in five Giga soldiers….. Bring back a few of the stronger students. Kill the rest’.

‘Yes Sir’, Lieutenant Lenard replies. She sent the order to the ground team stationed nearer to the school.

‘Also Lieutenant….send them a C41 missile. To stir them up a bit’, Captain Fujimori enjoined as he looked at the celebrating teenagers on the Main screen.

‘Right away Sir’.

King looked on as the last of The Order troops retreated from the school. The students began regrouping and celebrating their victory. But something didn’t feel right to him.

As he was pondering on this his comms buzzed and he could hear his partner’s voice from the other side.

‘King we are detecting the last of enemy troops have left Rakkenhima. Confirm visual?’

‘Visual confirmed all remaining forces have left the vicinity,’ King reported

‘Guess that’s that, looks like the students can handle this one. You coming back to base?’, Crown asked his partner.

‘Not yet. Something just doesn’t feel right. It just happened too fast. It was like…..they came here to lose….. Ah fuck it, I’m staying here for a while just to make sure’, King replied as he leaped onto the top of the school building.

He watched on as the students celebrated. He remembered his first victory at the plain as he watched them. He had seen so many battles in such a short time that small victories like this one didn’t even matter to him.

‘Finish one, move on to another’, he thought as he sat down on the roof.

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