Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

Rise of The King

In the depths of the Calavara Jungle, a lone scout by the name of Genko Yukiteru crawled on his stomach towards the cliff end. Once there he set up his equipment and began his watch.

‘Homebase….Homebase, this is tango 1. Do you copy over’, the scout said into his headset.

‘This is Homebase what’s your status, over’.

‘At the viewpoint, enemy sighted. Counting 10,000 or more, over’.

Back at Homebase, I.M Captain Tanaka Mitsori, was looking at the large LED screen in front of him which showed the Order army.

‘Alright, tango 1 we’re seeing what you’re seeing. Stay put and wait for further orders, over’, he ordered.

Mitsori had seen many battles and was a seasoned veteran. But even he knew his rag-tag group of 700 cadets did not stand a snow ball’s chance in hell against The Orders latest assault on Japan. Captain Mitsori walked out of his the base tent and went to address his troops. They were all waiting for him, standing in formation.

They all had solemn faces and knew that there was a battle ahead which they probably would not survive. Captain Mitsori stood in front of his troops looking at all of them with a pain in his chest, wondering how many would survive this ordeal.

‘Alright cadets, our scout has just reported back to us and by God’s name it does not look good. We are heavily outnumbered and out gunned. Our orders were to hold out as long as we can until backup arrives, but at how things look it’s going to be one hell of a fight. I don’t know how many of us will make it out alive, so before we do this I have to tell all of you….. It has been a pleasure serving with you cadets and I would not ask for a better group to fight beside. That is all. Move out and may god be with you’.

To this the entire platoon yelled in unison, ‘SIR, THANK YOU, SIR’ before moving out.

As Captain Mitsori walked back to the base tent his assistant Lieutenant Kotori Imaehawa, came running towards him.

‘Sir we just got orders to stand down the troops. HQ is sending back up’, Imaehawa said while trying to catch his breath.

‘Thank the gods. How many people are they sending?’, Mitsori asked, relief in his voice.

‘One sir’.

‘ONE!? Has HQ gone insane how can one man stop an army? Che, looks like HQ has really forsaken us ’, Mitsori bellowed as he began storming back to the tent.

‘But sir, their sending……..him’, Imaehawa meekly said as he followed behind.

‘Who goddamit!?’ Mitsori asked, slightly annoyed at Imaehawa’s hesitance.

'The King, Sir’.

The second Mitsori heard ‘King’ he stopped in his tracks. He looked at Imaehawa with a face that showed fear, but with eyes that plead that what he said was true.

’ Did you say King? As in The King?’ he asked, fearfully as if the mere mention of the name could kill him.

‘Yes sir’.

It took a few minutes for Captain Mitsori to decide on what to do next. After a tense moment Mitsori walked into the Base tent and took the mic to the P.A system.

‘All troops, this is Captain Tanaka Mitsori. Stop all battle perpetrations and proceed with your regular duties. We will not be engaging the enemy until further notice. I repeat, we will not engage the enemy until further notice, over’.

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