Chapter 5.4

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Chapter 5.4

Pride comes before a fall

The principle had decided to hold the match that afternoon itself and was also going to be refereeing the match. The match would be held at the B-battle arena, one of the 5 arenas in the school.

‘This match will be a single round match where the winner is determined by knockout. Weapons, animal spirits and elemental powers will be allowed. Also both your fighter ranks will be on the line’, the principle said from the referee stand.

The entire stadium was packed with students from all years as well as teachers. This was one fight they knew would be worth watching. Especially for the boys, who were expecting to see a bit of skin in this catfight.

‘Alright Maria-chan, just remember that Hana is a long distance fighter. Is best that you try to keep the distance between you two at a minimum so  you can make fast melee attacks’, Helena reminded Maria as they waited in the red corner of the arena.

‘I got it Helena-chan. I just hope that bitch doesn’t try to play dirty’, Maria said, tightening the safety guards on her body.

‘Fighters get to your position’.

‘Good luck Maria-Onee-chan’, the girls said as Maria walked out onto the arena, greeted by a huge roar of applauses.

She looked across at Hana who had already materialized her weapon, the bow and arrow. Maria concentrated on her weapon’s form and as she did her rapier, Calctus, materialized in her hand.

‘Alright girls, as stated before. This will be a one bout match and the winner is the one who can K.O her opponent. All weapons, animal spirits and elemental powers can be used. Now wait for my signal to start the fight.

Both girls stood, staring at each other, eyes filled with anticipation and murderous intent, waiting for the principles, word.


With the signal given to start the fight, Maria made her move. She had to close the distance between the two or she’d be at a disadvantage. As Maria started running towards her, Hana let out a three arrow elemental burst shot at Maria. Maria was able to dodge the first two with her speed alone. But she had to use Calctus to stop the third one, which was a big mistake. When the arrow head collided with Calctus’s blade, it exploded creating a blast of air that sent Maria flying backwards. Maria recovered quickly from the attack and resumed her charge at Hana, this time moving in a zig-zag pattern to throw her off.

Hana, realizing that it was now pointless to use her bow, switched to her melee weapon, a pair of twin Sais. Seeing that Maria was getting closer, Hana decided to charge in as well. As their steel met, sparks flew from the friction. Maria aimed her rapier for Hana’s stomach. Hana barely dodged the attack using her Sai. Hana then aimed her Sai at Maria’s head, missing her by inches as Maria dodged. Maria thrust Calctus at Hana’s chest after she dodged the prior attack. Hana, tried to dodge it but moved to the wrong side, causing Maria to make a clean cut across her blouse. Hana knew she was lucky as the attack could have done a lot worse. After a few more minutes of slashing at each other, both of them were unable to land any major blows to the other. Both girls had to back off as they we’re easily matched in terms of close combat sword play, seen from their equally tattered uniforms.

‘Guess we got to try something else’, Maria thought as she dematerialized Calctus, Hana doing the same as her.

‘Animal Spirit activate: SWAN!’, Maria cried.

As Maria said this, the swan tattoo on her right arm began to glow. As the glow grew stronger it formed into a swam like figure behind Maria, before engulfing her in the light.  As the glow subsided from her body, markings started appearing on her arm and face, all of them connected and leading back to the tattoo.

As Hana watched Maria complete her successful activation of her Animal Spirit, she activated hers as well.

‘Animal Spirit Activate: LYNX’.

As Hana cried out a similar incarnation, the same glow that had come from Maria was no appearing from Hana’s tattoo, which was on her right shoulder. Hers however took the form of a lynx, a wild cat that had long ears, a slightly spotted fur coat and a killer jump.

As both girls completed their activations, they began their attack again. Maria’s Swan spirit boosted her agility and speed, which was the same thing Hana’s Lynx spirit did. So even with this boost it all came down to whose elemental skills were better.

As Maria got closer she made her move.

‘Elemental move: Water canon!’

As Maria said this a jet of water shot from the elemental mark on Maria’s palm and went straight towards Hana. Hana dodged the attack easily with her increased agility. She then retaliated with a move of her own.

‘Elemental move: Floral hazard!’.

Suddenly thick vines started exploding out of the ground. Hana had full control over them and aimed them at Maria. Maria tried her best to dodge them, but one of them has able to grab Maria and constrict her in its grip. As Maria struggled in the grasps of the vine Hana looked on, amused as her effort to escape. Just as Hana thought she had won, Maria used another elemental move.

‘Elemental move: Hydro spikes!’.

At first nothing happened, leading Hana to believe that Maria’s attack had failed and that she had won. She called a vine which carried her up to Maria.

‘Well, well….looks like I won. Guess you were all bark and no bite huh, Maria-san?’, Hana said arrogantly laughing in Maria’s face.

‘I wouldn’t be so sure about that Hana-chan’.

Just then the vine wrapped around Maria started expanding. Hana did not have time to dodge as jets of water exploded out the plant causing it to rip apart, releasing Maria. Two of the jets hit Hana, hard, in her stomach and head, knocking her off the vine.

Maria saw this as a good opportunity to end the fight and went after the falling Hana. She managed to grab her arm while they were still in the air and positioned them in such a way that Maria was on top of Hana in a kneeling position. As the ground rushed to meet them Maria applied pressure on to Hana’s back using her right knee. When they finally hit the ground, the impact and the pressure from Maria caused Hana to lose conciseness. The crowd erupted into cheers as Maria stood up, victorious over her rival.

‘You did it Maria-Onee-chan! You won!’, Sayuri, Rei, Ryoko and Megumi screamed in delight, throwing themselves at Maria-chan who had just returned to the Red Zone.

‘Good job, Maria-san. Way to show that bitch who’s the boss’, Helena said patting Maria on the back.

‘Thanks girls! I really appreciate the support’.

‘And here is your winner….MARIA HAGANEI! And as the rules state, Team Infinity will still be the ones going for the mission. Congratulations girls’, the principle said as Hana walked back to her corner, anger in her eyes at being defeated.

‘Alright now that that’s over lets go home’.

Principle Sarumara watched as the students began leaving. He could see that a Maria and her team were now being flocked by admirers and well-wishers. The fight had helped him get a good gauge on Maria’s ability and the fear he had before had finally left him

‘I think those girls will do just fine’.

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