Chapter 9.1

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Chapter 9.1

Attack of the beasts

The shock wave from the explosion knocked Ryder to the ground temporarily stunning him. As Ryder recovered from the shock, he looked in front of him. As he did, a new wave of fear hit him.

In front of him, in the center of the troops, there were 20 giant figures, all of which were at least 3 meters tall. They all looked humanoid, except that each had the characteristics of a different animal. Ryder used this to conclude that they were beast men, but something was odd about them.

Beast men usually were the same height as an average human and even the carnivore’s type were rather docile to humans. But these beast men were giving of a tremendous killing aura and as Ryder focused more, he saw that they had killed a few of his troops. This made his fear intensify.

‘Wha…What are those things?’ Ryder asked as he got to his feet.

‘Mutated dark beast men….’, King said, a emotionless look on his face, as he pushed his sunglasses up.

‘What…..Mutated….? Dark beast men….?!’, Ryder was still in shock. Who could be so twisted to come up with these monstrosities?

‘Yeah……Crown warned me that there was something going on in this forest…..just wasn’t expecting it to be this messed up…’, King mumbled, disgusted by the grotesques forms of the mutated beings.

As King said this, the Beast men began their attack. Even though they were huge, they were fast. They quickly split up into two groups, 12 of them staying were they had landed and attacking the troops in the center and the back, 8 of them charging forward to take out the soldiers at the front.

It was chaos. The soldiers were still dazed by the initial attack, so they were easy pickings for the assailants. Ryder watched, in mute horror, as the beast men began viciously and mercilessly tearing through the troops, the screams and cries of pain and fear escaping the lips of his dying and wounded men sent shivers down his spine.

‘Gyaah! Help!’

‘! Stay away! STA….! GAAHHH!!!’

‘NOOO!! GUGH!!!’

Ryder watched on. As he did his fear was replaced by anger. They dared to attack his men!? Ryder began materializing his weapon, a long sword with a black coating and a golden handle, moving forward as he did.

Ryder was about to charge in to the fray when a new, stronger and more violent killing aura erupted on to the battlefield, stopping him and the 8 beast men at the front in their tracks. Ryder turned his head to the right, slowly, beads of sweat forming on his face from the intensity of the aura. He turned to see The King standing there, in the exact same position as he was before. But this time, the emotionless look on his face was gone. And in its place was a look of pure cruelty and madness.

King was excited. Finally he could get a chance to satisfy his rage and bloodlust. He could finally go berserk. King took out his PDA and punched in some codes. After he had done so, the optical lenses on his glasses began flashing statics bars which showed the bio, stats and abilities of the beast men.

‘So….bullets don’t work on em ay… ‘, King mumbled as he threw his ACR to the ground.

‘ALL OF YOU SWITCH TO YOUR MELEE WEAPONS! GUNS AIN’T GONNA DO SHIT! AIM FOR THE BACK OF THEIR NECKS AND THE JOINTS!’ King yelled as he began materializing Excalibur, stepping forward as he did.


‘Sir….permission to engage the enemy……’, King asked as he turned his upper half to face Ryder.

‘King…these guys attacked our team….killed our mates….you h….’

‘Don’t worry Sir…..’, King cut Ryder off before he could finish his speech, bringing Excalibur’s blade to level with his face.

‘I’ll kill ’em all!’, King licked the blade, charging in immediately after, a evil smile forming on his face as he did.

‘…..Guess I better dig in as well’, Ryder thought as he followed behind King, his long sword dragging through the soil behind him. 

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