Chapter 4.5

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Chapter 4.5

Truth and Lies 

As Maria turned the corner to the canteen, her mind still stuck on the thought of humiliating The King, she failed to notice the figure walking straight towards her as she was talking to Helena and the rest. She ran straight into him causing both of them to fall, she ending on top of him.


‘Maria are you ok?’, Helena asked as she came to help Maria up.

‘Yeah I’m fine….’, Maria started, stopping mid-sentence when she realized she was on top of someone.

‘Mmpfg’, Maria wasn’t able to hear him clear, his words coming out smothered as his head was pressed between Maria’s breasts.

‘Oh shit! I’m so sorry!’, Maria apologized as she tried to get of him .

It was then that she really that the man was none other than her crush, Rick Takeshi.

‘Rick-Kun! ….I’m…I’m…..’, Maria tried to stutter out as she lay on top of him, too embarrassed and shocked to move.

‘Get off me!’, Rick yelled as he tried to push Maria of him, only successful in moving her when Helena came to Maria’s aid.

‘What’s your problem’, Helena said to Rick when she finally got Maria to her feet, seeing Maria had been slightly hurt by Rick’s words.

‘What’s your problem?! Don’t you have eyes to see where you’re going? Fucking bitches’, Rick replied as he picked up his book which he was reading, pissed off at seeing those girls again.

‘Why you……’, Helena felt anger raging through her, prompting her to materialized her whip.

Rose and Elisa were trying to stop her but weren’t getting through.

‘You really got a lot of guts to talk to us like that you bastard. No wonder Dad didn’t give a damn when you ran away, he must have been sick of that fucking attitude of yours!’, Helena retorted trying to wound her brother emotionally.

‘Helena!’, Maria yelled.

‘What it’s the truth’

‘Hehehehe…….you really think you know everything don’t you Helena…..always think you’re the smart one. No wonder you were so easy to fool’, Rick rebutted, shocking Helena slightly as she was not expecting this type of reaction.

‘What did you say!? Why I ought t…’, Helena stepped forward threateningly, but was stopped by Maria.

‘Helena-san enough already! Rick-kun we’re sorry for the trouble we caused you. Please forgive us’, Maria apologized to Rick, bowing her head.

‘……Whatever’, Rick mumbled, turning to leave.

Maria watched Rick leave, pain and disappointment in her chest as she felt her relationship with him straining even more due to the incident. As he walked she remembered about the mission and thought it would be good to inform him that they would not be around for a while.

‘Ah! Rick-kun! I just wanted to let you know we have been issued our first mission.  It’s in Juranh, near Cosmos so we’ll be out of town for a while….’, Maria said to Rick.

‘Che…Like I care’, Rick replied, not even turning to look around.

Once he was out of sight Helena began raging.

‘Why did you tell him about the mission!?’, Helena cried as Maria turned back to face her.

‘Well I thought it would be polite if we at least let him know we won’t be around…..Whatever the case is Helena-san, what you said to him was too much’.

‘Like I said it’s probably the truth. And it’s also probably why Dad doesn’t want him back’.

‘Alright guys break it up…What is done is done, although I have to agree with Maria. That was a bit too much Helena-Onee-chan’, Rose said as he tried to calm the two of them down.

‘Yeah Helena-chan, I think you hurt Rick-san’s feelings’, Elisa said, pouting at Helena.

‘Like I give a damn’, Helena retorted.

But even though she said that, she still felt remorseful and confused. Remorseful at what she had said to her twin brother. Confused at what he had given as a reply.

‘What did he mean by that? Didn’t he runaway just because he felt like it…….. or was there another reason for it?’ 

‘Hey guys I’m hungry’ Elisa whined as her stomach let out a loud growl.

‘Yes well I can see that Elisa-chan. Come on lets go get something to eat’, Rose said as she grabbed hold of both Maria and Helena by the arm and lead them towards the canteen.

As Rick got out of earshot of the girls, he pulled out a comms device. He plugged the comms signal jack to his phone and put the ear piece on and dialed an overseas number. After a few minutes the call went through and he could hear breathing on the other side.

‘Hello….Yeah it’s me…..It’s confirmed….they’re hitting the Cosmos base’.

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