Chapter 7.6

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Chapter 7.6


As Maria looked on at The King, she felt slightly nostalgic. He just felt so familiar to her, it was as if she knew him. All of sudden her mind started swirling with memories from long ago. Most of them just flashed by quickly not giving her enough time to take them in. But all of them had one thing in common. She could barely make out a young boy around age 6 in each of the memories. And this young boy had red hair in each one as well. Maria didn’t understand what this meant. She concentrated on these memories, and was able to partially recollect one of them.

[Flash Back]

Maria was sitting on a swing in a playground she did not remember. In front there was a small cliff with an amazing view of her home city. Staring at this view was the young red haired boy.

Maria walked up to him. As she did he turned around to look at her. His face was blurred but she could vaguely make out a warm smile on it. The smile made her feel comfortable. He made her feel comfortable.

She walked up to him and as she did, he extended his right hand. All the fingers were rolled up into a fist, except for the pinky finger which was sticking out. Maria paused for a minute as he was trying to say something to her. But she couldn’t hear what it was.

After he had spoken, Maria instinctively brought up her pinky as well.

‘Yes ….Now we can make our pinky promise’, Maria said as she extended her pinky finger and locked it with the red haired boy.

[Flash back end]

‘Hey Tits…..Tits!’

Maria snapped out of her dazed state to see that King was looking at her with a slightly confused and concerned look.

‘Stop dazing off will ya! You do this on the field and the enemy’s going to be all over you’, King said warningly, plunking her on the forehead.

‘Ouch!....Don’t do that  will you?’, Maria replied, rubbing her forehead.

‘Heh… anyway, why’d you suddenly blank out huh? Thinking about your boyfriend or something’, King asked teasingly.

When King mentioned the word ‘boyfriend’, Maria’s mind automatically started thinking of Rick. His midnight black hair, cold blue eyes and his cute face immediately popped into her head. As it did she started to blush uncontrollably, without even noticing she was.

King took one look at Maria’s blushing face and knew he had hit the nail on the head.

‘Che….girls’, He mumbled.


‘Nothing…….so what’s he like….your boyfriend’, King asked trying to strike a normal conversation with Maria, again a first for the killer.

‘Well he’s not actually my boyfriend, yet…..I mean I want him to be….but…..’, Maria said, starting to warm up towards The King.

‘Ohhhh… it’s a one sided thing……I get it’

‘……got any advice?’

‘I’m not very good with love….you should ask Ma’am, she’d know what to do’, King replied, taking a look of his surroundings lazily.

‘Oh…’, Maria replied, sulking slightly.

King focused his gaze back on the dark jungle in front of him. He could tell that Maria was depressed again. He sighed and tried to think of an answer for her question.

‘….Have you tried talking to him…..’, King asked, not taking his eyes of the jungle.

‘…..No…..’, Maria replied, embarrassed.

‘Well you can start from there……If you get him to open up, he might just fall for you…..go try it, ok?’

‘…..I will…..thanks King. You know you’re kind of knowledgeable for a guy my age…’, Maria replied smiling.

‘Yeah…..I’ve been told’.

‘King! Ryder’s calling you’.

‘King turned to see Anna Smith calling to him from the Commander’s tent a few meters away.

‘Yeah I’m coming!…….Sorry Tits, they’re calling me….I’ll talk to you some other time..’, King said as he got up to leave.

‘Ahhh…..yeah, see you later King…..and….sorry about what I said’.

‘Che…..forget about that, ok? See ya later’.

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