Chapter 6.4

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Chapter 6.4

Enter the Cosmos

‘How much longer till we reach the meeting point’

‘Just a few more minutes Elisa-chan’.

The girls were on a I.M UH-1D helicopter heading to the meeting point for the mission, a clearing in the Cosmo forest. The I.M were trying to keep this as a covert ops therefore had chosen to use a forest route to get to the base. The girls had on standard issue I.M jungle warfare uniforms, which were dark green with patches of brown, light green and red.

‘I still can’t believe we’re here……Helena-chan pinch me!’

‘Ok Rose-chan….’, Helena said before pinching Rose, making her jump from the slight pain.

‘Hey! What gives….’, Rose asked angrily, trying to pinch Helena as she did.

‘What, you asked for it’, Helena replied smugly, evading Rose’s attempts to get her back.

‘Ok enough out of both of you, we have to keep ourselves ready for anything…..we don’t know what’s going to be down there’.

‘You’re right Maria-chan…..i hope this won’t be too hard’, Rose said before uttering a silent prayer.

‘Me too Rose-chan’.

‘Ok we’re at the drop of point girls…Buckle up for the landing’.

The girls heard the pilot’s voice over the copters loud rotor. They buckled up just as the helicopter made a sudden jerking movement. The girls could feel the copter slowly descending. After about 4 minutes the helicopter touched down.

‘Well we’re finally here’, Maria exclaimed as the girls got of the helicopter.

The meeting place was situated just outside the inner Cosmos forest. There were already a few teams at the base and judging by their looks, most of them were a lot more skilled then Team Infinity.

‘Well, well….what do we have here….Aye John! Check this out, it’s a bunch of little lassies’, a black haired man with a muscular body and olive green eyes said, motioning towards the girls. He had an Irish accent and the Irish flag was sewn onto the right arm of his uniform.

‘Well what do you know….guess the Japan force is really scarce on soldiers…..’, A tall, man who was probably American, said as he and his friend broke out into laughter. He had blonde hair and ice blue eyes.

‘Well girls you better stay behind us….Don’t want to you to get hurt now do we….and maybe you can show us your appreciation later’, another man, probably German judging by the German flag and German special forces insignia sewn on the right arm of his uniform, said joining in the ridiculing.

At this point the girls were both furious and embarrassed. This was not the type of welcome they were expecting. But they couldn’t say anything as these guys were more seasoned then them, and picking a fight was probably not the best idea.

‘Hey will you three idiots stop making fun of the new ones… John and Sam both of you go on watch…..Butch, Chris is looking for you… scat’, a woman said to the three.

The woman was of medium build and had a very well-toned body.  She had blonde hair which she tied into a pony tail and ice blue eyes. Her uniform had the American flag sewn on the right side so the girls were able tell she was American.

The three men who were making fun of the girls immediately backed off when they heard her, and went to fulfil the orders. The girls turned to their right to look at the woman, who was now walking towards them.

It took a couple of seconds to realize that the woman was Anna Smith, a Captain from the United States Marines. She was a legend on the battlefield for her close combat abilities and use of the lightning element. She was also one of the few people who were able to attain the rank of Captain before turning 30. She was 24.

‘Well, you must be the girls from Rakkenhima…..I’m Anna Smith, the second in command for this mission’, Anna said greeting the girls with a warm smile, which seemed out of place in the situation they were in.

‘Nice to meet you Ma’am…..We’re Team Infinity, I’m the leader of the Team, Maria Haganei. This is my second in command Helena Takeshi and my two other members Rose Takeshi and Elisa Haganei’.

‘Well it’s nice to meet you girls….come with me I’ll show you were the load out is so you can get ready’.

Anna led the girls to a make shift armory. The girls were pretty amazed by the variety of weapons they could choose from. Some of them were things that the girls had never even seen before.

‘Ok girls take your pick….Remember to take only what you can carry, we don’t want you trailing behind because of extra luggage. Once you’re done meet up at the briefing area. We will be leaving in 15 minutes’, Anna said before leaving the girls to pick their equipment.

The girls went about the tent and started choosing equipment that they thought best suited them. After about 10 minutes Maria and Helena where done. They checked their weapons outside the tent as they waited for the other two.

‘Hey Maria-chan…..about the plan….are you going to be able to do your part’, Helena asked as she reassembled her HK-416 rifle. They both were standing near a bunch of stacked ammunition crates as they played around with their toys.

The question from Helena made Maria blush furiously and she accidently dropped the handgun which she had in her hand.

‘……Guess not…..come on Maria-chan you need to this’, Helena said as she holstered her handgun, watching Maria pick up hers.

‘I know…’s just that I always choke up when I try to……God, I wish this was easier!’, Maria complained as she picked up her TAR-21 which she had placed on two stacked boxes next to her, holstering her hand gun at the same time.

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