Chapter 3.4

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Chapter 3.4

Haters gotta hate

The students looked on as the last Giga fell. The King had finished off the entire army by himself and the very sight of him ripping and slashing the soldiers tg pieces made the students feel awe and fear. Now they watched as he made his way towards them. They began cheering for him.

Just then they heard a loud boom from behind them. The saw that the ruble covering the exit route had been cleared and the Principle and the Teachers were making their way towards them.

‘Alright all teachers with healing abilities tend to the wounded the rest of you follow me’ the Principle, Sarumara Kohaku, ordered the teachers.

‘Students with wounds immediately proceed to your senseis. The rest of you…’.

Principle Sarumara and the Teachers stopped in their tracks when they saw The King. By then he had already walked back to within the school grounds. The girls were all blushing and giggling and calling out to him. The guys were trying to get pictures of him so they could show it to those who weren’t there. Some of the teacher were acting like the students. After all, it wasn’t every day they could see such a great hero

As he approached them Mr. Sarumara walked up to him.

‘King I really have to thank you. If it wasn’t for you I don’t know what would have happened to the students. Really I appreciate what you have done for us’, Mr. Sarumara bowed his head in gratitude.

‘I happened to be around so I decided to lend them a hand. A word of advice….you better train these guys up Sir, I have a feeling this ain’t the last time Rakkenhima will be seeing The Order’, King said as he dematerialized his twin swords.

‘What do you mean’, Mr. Sarumara asked, worry starting to set in.

‘There have been reports that The Order army has been aiming for Rakkenhima for a while now and with this attack I think it confirms it. It’s best that you prepare the students better cause I can guarantee the will be more attacks and they will be much worse than this, and at their current level your students cannot stop them’, King told him frankly before looking at the students.

 Most of the students felt the same way as they had come very close to death. Although one of them didn’t agree.

‘And who the hell are you to tell us what we can or can’t do’.

The sudden voice out made the conversation between the principle and The King come to an abrupt stop. They both turned to look at the person who said it.

That person being a pretty blonde haired girl by the name of Maria Haganei. King couldn’t hold back a smirk and this further infuriated Maria.

‘And just what seems so funny’, she asked as she walked up towards him, hands on her hips.

‘Considering what just happened I don’t think you get how lucky you were Big Tits’, King said in reply, causing Maria to quickly cover her chest area with her arms.

‘I…i don’t know what you’re talking about. If you hadn’t shown up we still could have taken them’, Maria rebutted trying to brush of his last comment.

This caused King’s temper to rise slightly.

‘This idiot doesn’t realize the predicament she’s and her friends are in’, he said to the Principle further flaming Maria’s anger.

‘Excuse me! Did you just call me an idiot!? I have you know where are capable enough to handle anything The Order throws at us. After all we were trained in one of the best military school in Asia’ Maria said with pride, trying to make The King realize he was wrong.

‘And if you had paid attention during your lessons instead of running your mouth like this you would be half as good as you think you are. Face it Big Tits, if I hadn’t come you would be dead or in some Order lab’, King retaliated raising his voice.

This caused Maria to back off. Even though she felt he was in the wrong, she didn’t want to get on his bad side.

‘You all think that your good due to the ‘special training’ you got!? Well let me tell you this. Training doesn’t mean shit if you don’t apply it in real combat and from what I saw you lot are far from ready to face The Order. Better start revising your plans or you’re all going to end up dead’, King continued, this time addressing the whole bunch of students standing in front of him.

The 4th years all felt the same way after coming so close to death. They knew he was right.

‘King I thank you for your help and concern and I know you mean well. But can you please be a little less harsh with my students’, Principle Sarumara requested, trying to calm King down.

‘Sorry about that Sir. Got a bit emotional’, King said a smile coming back to his face.

Maria saw an opportunity to belittle The King.

‘Yeah King, take you’re tone down when talking to us….’, Maria said in a haughty tone before the principle could stop her.

The next second King had a knife to her throat. Whatever Maria wanted to say next got stuck in her throat as fear took over her.

‘Listen Big Tits! I don’t mind listening to your Principle. He’s a guy who I got respect for. But I am sick of your attitude! You’re nowhere near my level and yet you dare talk to me like a pompous bitch! Act like this in front of me again and I swear I’ll cut your heart out…… Are we clear’, King threathened as he pressed the knife against Maria’s throat.

Maria nodded, unable to speak due to the overwhelming fear.

‘Good’, King said as he removed the knife.

Just then the sound of helicopter came from above. A black helicopter appeared from behind the building. It had the Taskforce 666 insignia on the side.

‘Looks like my rides here. Well it was nice talking to you again Sir’, King spoke as he shook hands with Principle Sarumara.

A rope came down from the back of the helicopter. King grabbed on to it and signaled to be pulled up.

‘Here’s some advice. I suggest you guys stick in groups. You’ll be easier to kill alone. Watch your selves, from now on hell’s going to be coming your way’ King said to the group before the helicopter hoisted him up.

As it did all the cheering began again. The only one who looked out of place in joyous environment was Maria, who looked on as the helicopter flew off.

One part of her hoped to never see that guy again. But still there was a part of her that wanted to see him, a sense of longing building up inside her. Even though he put a knife to her throat, the sense of familiarity and security from him that she had felt before still remained. Maria remembered a long time ago she felt this same feeling from someone. She just couldn’t remember from who though

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