Chapter 4.1

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The Order

Through the halls of The Orders’ great palace, a lone man walked towards the congress room. The man had long white hair which he tied back in a ponytail, lime green eyes and a well-built body that had bruises and scars from the many battles he had fought. The man’s name was Martin Sevan and he was the Leader of The Order.

Sevan was looking through a file that his assistant had given him as his footsteps echoed throughout the hallways. It had all the data that could be recorded in The Order’s very recent attempt to capture Rakkenhima High school, which had ended in failure due to the interference of The King.

As he looked through the file he couldn’t help but smile. He had always been fascinated with The King ever since he had heard of his first appearance at Ventakin Plane. He had also enjoyed watching the boy’s fame grow with every battle he fought as he reminded Sevan of himself when he was younger. But even then he knew The King had to be stopped or The Order’s latest plans would crumble.

‘Such a waste. He would have turned out to be a legend if he joined us’, Sevan thought as he looked at the picture of The King on one of the pages in the file, shaking his head in disappointment.

The congress room was abuzz with all the Tyrants of The Order discussing the recent battle while waiting for their leader. All 30 of them were seated at the main table. Most of them where franticly discussing their most recent defeat at the hands of The King, tempers rising and the air becoming malicious.

‘I can’t believe we failed again….what is it with that guy?! Always barging in on our plans’, said a female werewolf, whose name was Arai Miyoka, who had long blue hair and a curvy body, sitting on the right side of the table.

‘Calm down Miyoka. We were just careless with the last one…..’ an African-American man with short braided hair, who was sitting opposite the werewolf said, trying to calm down his partner. His name was Anderson Leam and even though he had an emotionless look on his face, anger was building up inside of him as he thought about The King.

‘And who’s fault was it that we didn’t send enough troops, mm?’, chimed a busty Lilim by the name of Arisa throwing a knowing look at a man wearing The Order’s naval officer uniform.

The man was none other than Captain Fujimori Damien who in charge of the Attack on Rakkenhima. He sat in his chair, legs crossed on the table and he had a slightly displeased look forming on his face when he heard the comment directed at him.

‘Look I wasn’t expecting that kid to suddenly show up ok…..’

‘Oh….Really Fujimori-san’.

‘Yeah….really……And also Arisa next time you want to say something say it to my face…I’ve heard the rumors you’ve been spreading about me being in a cahoots with the I.M’, Fujimori accused the Lilm, to which she responded with a slightly menacing look.

‘Well, well….guess you’re not as air-headed as l thought. Alright Fujimori-san, I’ll keep that in mind when I tell you to have fun in hell as I rip your heart out’, Arisa threatened as she started getting up, her fingernails growing out longer to become sharp thin blades.

At this point Fujimori got up as well pulling out his twin revolvers and pointing them at Arisa, who was now ready to pounce at him. Silence and anticipation fell amongst the rest of the Tyrants as the two came to a standoff, waiting to make their move.

‘Enough both of you….fighting amongst ourselves is not going to get us anywhere’, a brown haired man, who looked to be in his mid-twenties, who was sitting next to the leader’s seat intervened.

This man was The Order’s second-in-command. His name was Tok Jun Hong.

‘But Jun Hong-sama…..’, Arisa whined. She was cut of immediately by Jun Hong who was in no mood to deal with her nonsense.

‘Enough means enough!’, Jun Hong bellowed getting to his feet, causing Arisa and Fujimori to disengage, fearful of the second-in-command’s wrath.

‘My, my…what seems to be going on here?’

All the Tyrants turned to see their leader, Martin Sevan, walking into the room. He had a calm smile on his face, but even this drove fear into their hearts, for they knew their leader’s tendency to change emotions quickly.

‘Nothing my Lord. Fujimori and Arisa just had a small disagreement pertaining to the last mission. Nothing too serious’, Jun Hong told his master.

He was the only one in the group who didn’t show any expression of fear. Instead there was a look of respect on his face as he saw Sevan walking over to take his seat. Sevan had taken Jun Hong in as his student when he found him on the cold streets of Shanghai, dying from starvation. Jun Hong had learned a lot from Sevan and even saw him as his own father and thus had a high amount of respect for him, always trying to honor him.

‘I see….well I have to agree, the events that took place during the last mission were…….unexpected’, Sevan said as he took his seat at the front of the table, looking at Fujimori with an agreeing look.

Fujimori looked at his old friend and nodded, thankful that he understood him.

‘But Master! The appearance of The King could have been handle if Fujimori had taken…..’, Arisa started to say but was cut off by a cold look from Sevan.

‘Do you doubt my judgment Arisa’, Sevan said, his look growing more intense causing Arisa to shrink back.

‘No Master’, Arisa said apologetically before taking her seat.

‘Good’, a calm look returning to Sevan’s face.

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