Chapter 12.6

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Chapter 12.6

With friends like these who needs enemies

There were now barely 20 men left on the Orders side, excluding Sting who was lying in wait behind the wrecked forth truck to ambush the Taskforce soldiers. Even though her men were being slaughtered, Sting didn’t feel any disappointment or anger. In fact, it was the exact opposite.

‘That’s 50 less maggots to get rid of’, Sting though as she moved silently to the back of the carriage of the forth truck.

Just as she found a good hiding spot, her comms ear piece began buzzing. Seconds later, Sting heard a sly laugh coming through it.

‘Arisa you bitch!’, Sting hissed into the mouth piece, trying her best to keep her volume low.

‘My, my. That’s no way to talk to your senior Sting. Better show some respect or I’m gonna have to beat it into you’, Arise replied to Sting’s outburst in a low, threating tone, as she lay on her king sized bed in her private chambers with nothing but a pink bath robe on.

‘I’d like to see you try Arisa’, Sting challenged her.

Sting slowly peeped out to see the progress of the battle. One look was enough for her to know that it was almost over and that the 666 boys were going to win it.

‘Dammit’, Sting cursed under her breath as she moved back behind the container.

‘What the matter Sting? Trouble from a certain group of boys, hmmm’, Arisa asked in a playful tone, twirling a lock of her hair as she did.

‘ did you….’, Sting stammered, bewildered that Arisa had been able to guess it right.

‘Hahaha. How do I know?….Of course I know. I was supposed to inform you that they were coming after all’, Arisa revealed, letting out a haughty laugh as she did.

Anger boiled up inside Sting when she heard the Lilith’s words.

‘YOU FUCKING BITCH!’, Sting yelled into the mike, completely forgetting that she was in a very delicate situation.

‘Shit….’, she mumbles as she peeked out again to see if anyone had heard her.

Sting let out a sigh of relief when she saw that the taskforce members were still busy with the remaining troops. After which she turned her attention back to her conversation with Arisa, who was now laughing hysterically on the other side.


Sting could hear Arisa’s mocking laugher, further infuriating her. After a few minutes she could hear Arisa’s laughter die out and her silk like voice coming through her earpiece again.

‘Sorry Sting….But I really needed to do this. Let’s just consider this as a little test from your old friend Arisa and forget about it. Ok?’, Arisa apologized in an obviously fake apologetic tone, snickering softly as well.

Sting was not amused by this one bit. In a low and threatening voice, she gave her chilling reply.

‘Mark my words Arisa…..when I get back to base, I’m going to rip your heart out and eat it right in front of your obnoxious face before sucking you dry’.

‘Hehehe…..I’d love to see you try Bitch!’, Arisa replied with a challenging tone, before going back to using her innocent one.

‘Well then Sting. There’s a helicopter waiting for you about 10 km north of where you are. I suggest you start moving along then.’

‘What about the cargo?’, Sting asked, looking back at the single remaining truck which housed the most important information from the Cosmos base.

‘Oh right, I almost forgot to tell you….. We already transferred all the information to the mainframe back at base. I was supposed to tell you this before you left, but it just slipped my mind’, Arisa informed her, causing Sting to clench her fists and grit her teeth to hold back another outburst.

‘Fine then…..I’ll start making my way back’, Sting replied before turning off her comms, taking to the trees on her left and making her way to the extraction point.

‘I’m gonna kill that slut when I get back’, Sting mumbled as she took to the tree lines, moving quickly and stealthy to her destination.

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