Chapter 16.8

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Chapter 16.8

Game time

Sevan glared at Rick, before looking past him at his troopers, who seemed to be getting out of their dazed state. A small smirk finds its way onto his face as he looks back at Rick and Crown.

‘Well then that’s too bad. Guess I’ll have to kill you along with your friend’, Sevan said before chuckling lightly as he looks at the now confused faces of Rick and Crown.

‘What the bloody hell is that supposed to mean?’, Rick asked Crown, who shrugged as he too was confused.

‘He means us boys’

The two turn around to look at the owner of the soft, sweet yet deadly voice which belonged to the young vampire, Sting. And behind her, the 30 shock troopers who were under her command came marching forward, getting out their melee weapons as they did

‘Oh right. Forgot about them’, Crown mumbled, rubbing the back of his head sheepishly.

‘Forgot?! Who the hell can forget 30 mother fucking shock troopers! Goddamit man you’re not making this easy’, Rick yelled at Crown as he glances over at him and then back at the shock troopers.

‘Yeah, yeah my bad….So how we handling this? Half each?’

‘Nah…I’ll do it alone Crown, I just need you to set up a light barrier around the students so they don’t get hurt’, Rick replied to Crown as he began to slowly make his way down the steps, receiving shocked and worried looks from his fellow schoolmates.

‘Rick kun...don’t…’, Maria pleaded to Rick when he reached the bottom step, tears forming in her eyes again.

Rick takes a good long look at her, before smiling slightly as he pats her cheek.

‘It’s ok Maria….Nothings gonna happen to me’, Rick assures her, before he pushes her to the side next to Helena and continues walking.

The troopers stare at the young male, smirking and smiling like mad animals that were about to jump on their helpless, weak prey. But something about the situation seemed wrong. Because even though they were tempted to strike, none of them did. Not even Sting, who only watched the young man walk past her, looking slightly fearful of him.

‘Fools! Stop dazing off again!’, Jun Hong screams at his troops, who despite the warning continue to stand clear of Rick, who keeps walking past them.

‘…They won’t attack him’

‘What do you mean won’t?’, Sevan asked Crown, who had on a knowing smile as he watched his friend walk to the other side of the main courtyard.

‘Primal instinct old man…Animals can tell and won’t attack another animal which is bigger, stronger or badder then them. And that instinct is something that all fighters should have’, Crown explains as he turns to look Sevan dead in the eyes.

‘Can’t you feel it old man?’, he asks quizzingly, ‘Look for it….’

Sevan raises his brow, slightly skeptical about the young commander’s theory. But considering he didn’t have one of his own, he decided it wouldn’t hurt to try it. He closed his eyes, turning his sense of sight off and heightening his other senses.

He was looking for Rick’s aura, the very essences of Rick’s being. An aura is present in all human beings, reflecting on the mood and power of the person. Now it is usually invisible to the naked eye but certain elementalist, animal spirit holders and type holders could ‘see’ a person’s aura. Not through sight, but through the other senses of their body. Sevan was talented in the ways of aura reading and could easily tell a lot about person by sensing their aura just once. But today, there were two beings there whose auras were something he had never experienced before.

One of them was Taskforce 666’s in command, Crown, who had a very shady aura as if he was hiding it with a fake one which was hard for Sevan to read. And another one….was pure destruction and darkness balled into a single man. It sent shivers down Sevan’s body as he tried to concentrate on it, trying to pinpointing its source as it seemed to be overshadowing everyone. But he couldn’t, the owner wouldn’t let him do it.

‘Oi old man, open your eyes and watch’

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