Chapter 5.1

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Chapter 5.1


As Sarumara sat in his office, thinking about the mission he had just issued to Team Infinity he felt a slight amount of fear creep into him. Even though the mission was fairly simple, he just had this nagging feeling that something bad was going to happen. On top of that he feared that the recent attack on the school might affect Team Infinity’s composure causing them to make a costly mistake on the battle field.

‘Maybe I shouldn’t have sent them’, Sarumara thought as he walked over to a coffee maker in the room to get some coffee.

Just as he finished pouring his coffee, his phone rang. He walked over and picked up the receiver. When he placed it to his ear he could hear a familiar voice over the line.

‘Look time no see, Kohaku’.

‘Yes it has been awhile’.

‘Just wanted to check if your team is ready for the Cosmos mission’, the familiar voice asked.

‘Yes they’ve been briefed….but I don’t know why Anan, I have a bad feeling about this mission’, Sarumara said as he sat down again.

‘Don’t be so worried Haku. Your team will be working with the best the I.M has to offer. We’ll make sure they get back safe’, the person replied.

The person’s words made Sarumara calmer. In all the years Sarumara knew him, this person had always kept his word.

‘And beside Haku, I’m going to be asking King to join in as well. I’ll make sure he keeps an eye on them’.

‘That’s the only reason why I accepted this’, Sarumara said chuckling softly.

‘Hehehehe…. same old Haku. Always caring about others before himself, hmmm….Well I just called to confirm your participation. I’ll see you at the next conference. Goodbye Haku’.

‘Alright then…Goodbye, Anan’, Sarumara said before cutting the line.

It felt good talking to an old friend, Sarumara thought as he sipped on his coffee, getting back to work that was at hand.

By the time school had ended, word had got around that Team Infinity had been issued their first mission with the I.M.

‘Good job girls’

‘Whoo….go Team Infinity’.

‘You really deserved it girls’.

These were just some of the many congratulations the girls received from both teachers and friends as they began making their way to the canteen to have lunch before after school training.

‘I can’t believe it! It’s like we’ve suddenly become the schools’ celebrities or something!’, Rose said as they were queuing up to get their food.

‘Rose-san we’ve been popular in the school for a while now….but I have to agree, this new wave of admiration is really cool’, Elisa agreed as the lunch lady gave them their food.

‘Don’t let it get to you head girls. Remember pride comes before a fall’, Maria said, although she had to admit, the attention they were getting was nice.

As the girls found a table to sit at their teacher, Yukio Kami, walked over to them.

‘Ah girls… I’ve been looking for you everywhere’.

‘Yukio-sensei…is something the matter’.

‘Oh, nothing’s wrong Maria-chan. I just forgot to tell you girls that the principle has exempted you from after school training till you complete your mission. Isn’t that great!’

‘Uh…yeah it is’, Helena said, surprised by the news.

‘What the matter girls? Why so shocked?’

‘Yukio-sensei….it’s just that I thought it would be the opposite….You know…. a more intensified training schedule before we leave’.

‘What!? No, no, no…..that’s not how it works. If we train you more intensely before a mission, there could be a chance that you’ll get injured Maria-chan. You’ll start a more intense training exercise once you’ve return’.

‘Oh I see’, Maria said, relieved.

‘Also it will give you more time to spend with your families…I mean there is a possibility that you’ll get killed out there, so it’s best you spend the days before with your loved ones’.

The sense of relief the girls got immediately left them when they heard that. They turned paler than the uniforms they were wearing.

‘I’m just joking! You’ll be fine….I mean if you could take down a Giga alone then this will be a piece of cake’, Kami said laughing at the girls reaction to her joke.

‘Well I have a teacher’s meeting I have to attend to so I’ll be going now. And girls don’t be scared. You’ll be fine’, Kami said reassuringly, before leaving the girls. 

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