Chapter 15.2

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Chapter 15.2

Protect what's closest to the heart

‘Where would that idiot be now, hmm?’, class 4A’s Hana White asks as she and a few of the other fourth years walked along the 1st floor corridors of the main entrance which lead to the schools gardens.

Amongst the group where Hana and her posse, The Student Council president Taylor Olson and the members of the Student Council and the girls from Team Infinity, all of whom were searching for one man, Rick Takeshi. The suspected person of being a spy for The Order was now being hunted down by the Student Council and one of the schools best fire teams. And what was there to stop them? His only hope lay in the hands of his sisters and cousins, the girls from Team Infinity, Maria, Helena, Elisa and Rose.

‘Well I’ve heard he likes to hang about the garden after school on Fridays. Might as well check it out’, Daisuke answers as they keep a steady pace, nearing their destination.

‘Well I don’t care where he is. We’re gonna find him and we’re gonna throw his head on to the chopping block’, Azumi voiced out her thoughts, a cruel smirk on her face.

This caught Maria’s attention immediately as she spun around and faced the red head, a dark look on her face.

‘If you even try to hurt him I’ll kill you bitch!’, She threatened, trying to lunge at her rival but ended up being held back by Helena.

‘Ooo…Feisty aren’t we? Well I won’t hurt him unless he resists, which I can bet he will’, Azumi teased as she pulled of an innocent face, holding on to Clade as she does.

Clade puts an arm in front of Azumi protectively, glaring at Maria as he got ready to fight back if she jumped at his girl. This made the slight smirk on Azumi’s face grow more.

‘You know Maria…I always wondered why you fell for such a loser like Rick-san. You should have gone after a man like my Clade, although that’s probably impossible since he’s one of kind’, She teases the blonde even more, leaning close to Clade’s face and trailing soft kisses on his cheek and neck as Maria looked on.

Maria’s face turned red slightly as she saw the public display of affection between Clade and Azumi, trying her very best to hold herself back from attacking as the two continued to tease her about Rick.

‘Well at least he’s better than a no good boot licker like your man Azumi’, Helena intervened with one of her well needed comebacks, putting a stunned look on both Azumi’s and Clade’s red faces.

‘W-What are you talking about?’, Clade replied with a forced chuckled, avoiding eye contact with the blonde.

‘I’m talking about you crawling and begging….and even ‘playing’ your way up to where you are. I know very well the dirt you have on you pretty boy. Compared to you Rick is way better’, Maria joined in, her once enraged face now smug as she saw the red head’s turn even redder.

‘That’s…that’s a lie…’, Azumi said defensively as she clutched on to Clade, who looked close to breaking down in embarrassment’

‘Well tha-‘

‘Alright enough out of all of you!’, Tyler yelled, cutting Maria off.

All eyes turned to the president, who was clearly angry and irritated by their actions. To the members of the council and to Hana’s posse it caused fear and regret as they knew it would probably mean another long lecture from him or worse. For Team Infinity however, it was another sign that they were still on a relatively safe side as Tyler still hadn’t thought of a solution to upsurge their efforts to save Rick. And with that in mind, Maria turned to Tyler with a smirk on her face.

‘Well then…Shall we go?’, She asked tauntingly as she turned away and walked towards the garden, a teasing sway in her hips to taunt Tyler, telling him she was never going to be his.

‘Hmph…Fine’, Taylor mumbled as he followed after the teasing blond, averting her eyes from her perfect figure as he cursed under his breath.

‘I really hope that she’s wrong…Then I’m going to make her pay’, He mumbled under his breath, smirking slightly as he straightened his posture.

Maria glanced back to see the renewed confidence in Taylor, making her worry slightly.

‘I cannot let him hurt Rick-kun…I will protect him’, She steeled her resolve as she took the first step into the garden.

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